Standard - Twice the Life - UR Mill

35 13
2 34 0 24

Attention this deck is for the "Twice the Life" MTGA Event that happened in September. 

This was the version of mill that worked the best for me. It is a changed UR mill for standard where i dumped alot of cards that dealt with creatures or planeswalkers etc. With lifetotal at 40 you mostly win before you get low. 

Decided for Hour of Devastation instead of other boardwipes like Sweltering Sun cause the one time i always needed boardwipes it was against creatures to big for Sun and stuff. Kept 2 Abrades cause artifact and creature useability. 

Nexus of Fate for Fun and to make it harder to get milled yourself. 
Mainboarding Graveyard Hate to deal with scarab god / Gearhulk and stuff that shuffles itself back into library (Nexus, Gaia...).
Maybe Sentinel Totem would be better than Scav. Ground because you really need access to multiple redsources to go off

Sadly dont have more spirebluff Canals. Sulfur Falls are a must. 

Running Baral cause its a super cheap 2cmc card that 1. makes your Filter cards cheaper. 2. allows you to counter and filter possible respones to your Enchantments etc. 


Basic Idea: Play {Psychic Corrosion} then {Cathartic Reunion} and other Filters. Play more PSychic Corrosion and Fraying Sanity. 


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The abrades also work very well vs Aetherflux Reservoir
Last Updated: 07 Sep 2018
Created: 07 Sep 2018
168 89 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (22 distinct)

Creature (2)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (34)
Land (24)

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