Standard - Temur Scapeshift

8 12 36
15 17 0 28

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Earlier versions of Bant Scapeshift used to play Risen Reef. This idea was scratched because the deck was lacking other elementals to maximize Risen Reef. Other elementals in Bant colors didn't fit into a Scapeshift shell so Risen Reef was cut. This was a correct decision for Bant Scapeshift. But when building Temur Scapeshift I found that there is another elemental that slots into the deck perfectly. I'm talking about Living Twister. At three mana the card brings the perfect stats to brickwall aggressive decks. This fact diminishes a weakness of the deck. Aggressive creature decks can be too fast sometimes and overwhelm you. Living Twister is able to block cheap and fast creature to buy time to setup the Scapeshift combo. On top of that Living Twister has abilities that work really well with a land heavy deck. Say you have Field of the Dead on the field and unlocked. With Living Twister you can tap a land for green mana, return it to your hand, and play it again to get a trigger from Field of the Dead. Or you can pitch it to your graveyard dealing two damage to any target. You can use this to remove creatures and planeswalkers or you can finish off your opponent sometimes. I included Crucible of Worlds in the deck to get access to really cool plays with the second ability of Living Twister: Return a land to your hand, put it into the graveyard and deal two damage, just to play it from your graveyard triggering Field of the Dead. That's the type of value plays I dig. The reasons to play Living Twister don't stop there. Living Twister bumps up the amount of elementals in the deck making it reasonable again to play Risen Reef. In Temur Scapeshift it actually makes sense to incorporate elemental synergies.


There are a couple of other elementals in the deck. In the mainboard there is one elemental left: Cavalier of Thorns. It's another elemental playing well with Scapeshift and Field of the Dead. Stat-wise it's a powerful creature which can be used as a finisher. Also Cavalier of Thorns' abilities are beneficial to a Scapeshift deck. The ETB trigger searches for Field of the Dead or puts another land onto the battlefield to trigger it. Sometimes it isn't even a downside to put the other cards into the graveyard because you have access to Crucible of Worlds to play lands from the graveyard. When Cavalier of Thorns dies you can retrieve key cards from you graveyard. The other elemental of the deck is in the sideboard. Healer of the Glade comes in against aggro decks. The early life gain and body makes this small elemental a reasonable choice. On top of that you get another elemental to trigger Risen Reef which makes Healer of the Glade better when you draw it later in the game.


You'll find Elvish Reclaimer in all of my Scapeshift decks because I love this card in Scapeshift. It tutors up Field of the Dead, it's an early blocker and it can grow to a significant size. Especially because Scapeshift puts enough lands into the graveyard to grow Elvish Reclaimer. Albeit I wanted more ways to grow Elvish Reclaimer. I found Evolving Wilds to be good in Scapeshift decks. The land helps to grow Elvish Reclaimer and can trigger Field of the Dead twice with a single land drop. First you play Evolving wilds and get a trigger, second you use Evolving Wilds, put a basic land in play and trigger Field of the Dead again. Again there is a synergy with Crucible of Worlds. You can play Evolving Wilds out of your graveyard to continue fetching basic lands and getting two Field of the Dead triggers.


You might wonder why Bombard is in the sideboard. To make it short it's a concession to be able to fight Feather decks.


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Last Updated: 26 Jul 2019
Created: 19 Jul 2019
390 169 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (26 distinct)

Creature (15)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (28)

Sideboard - 15 cards (5 distinct)


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