Standard - Sultai graveyard explore (DOM)

7 23 19
17 17 4 22

The deck is all about graveyard play and exploration, don't be afraid to sacrifice exploring creatures to block as there are many ways in this deck to cast from graveyard or use gravedigger to get them back into your hand.  Early game you may be better off leaving units topdeck from explore but midgame and on you will want to send them straight to the graveyard for Liliana and recover.

 Moment of craving in the deck, generally swapping out recover, boneyard parley, and gravedigger will add a higher change against decks like mono red aggro, currently Moment of craving is a mainstay for me. If you run into alot of token decks, consider dropping an eviscerate for a second golden demise.

Eviscerate can be swapped for vraska's contempt or hour of glory if you find yourself against a number of other scarab god decks or things of the like. I personally run eviscerate so I can steal whatever it is I remove with it with scarab god.

3 scarab god's is more or less to really insure that you draw it, though if you'd prefer 2, I'd probably add an additional golden demise in its place.

After many games with this deck with and without tendershoot dryad, I find it is much better in longer games to have him in the deck, it is a bit slow and in some instances I would have rather just had a couple more cheap exploring units, but with a wildgrowth and path of discovery on board tendershoot dryad almost guarantees a win.

Join me in finding real ways to play scarab god, and not just throwing real tactics in the garbage for running endless counterspells! Explore the dumpster today!


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Last Updated: 18 May 2018
Created: 29 Apr 2018
2724 92 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (23 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (22)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 13 cards (8 distinct)


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