Standard - Selesnya Proliferate Aggro Bo3

27 16
30 5 3 22
Aggro Combo

# Selesnya Proliferate Aggro Bo3

Play some cheap creatures, put a billion counters on them and then attack. Best of all: It works! I made mythic with this.

How to play/win: Play creatures on curve, either trigger Basri Ketimage or Unbreakable Formationimage on T4 and win.

## Deck

Conclave Mentorimage - The machine. Provides insane buffs with everything counter related

Selfless Saviorimage and Alseid of Life's Bountyimage - Protect your mentor and Apparition.

Unbreakable Formationimage - This is an offensive spell! Use it to attack and apply pressure fast. Note: You can cast this in response to a proliferate trigger during your main phase and get all the counters!

Light of Hopeimage - Neat combat trick that can also remove Anax, Hardened in the Forgeimage and Wilderness Reclamationimage.

Stonecoil Serpentimage - The ultimate hydra. Don't be afraid to play it T1. Also really good to block multi-colored creatures.

Wildwood Scourgeimage - Another interesting hydra that kinda works. This gets insanely strong very fast, especially with Unbreakable Formation, but the lack of trample and the inability to play it T1 might make me replace it.

Grateful Apparitionimage - Either this dies the instant it enters the battlefield or it wins you the game. But if it doesn't work feel free to board it out in G2/3.

Pelt Collectorimage - Playing him into a Conclave Mentor puts the heat on really fast.

Pollenbright Druidimage - Put counters on Apparition or proliferate to trigger Basris ultimate really fast.

Huatli's Raptorimage - Backup Pollenbright Druid. Can be replaced.

Basri Ketimage - This deck can reliably trigger his ultimate T4. He is a really great follow-up to Apparition.

## Sideboard

Heroic Interventionimage - Protect yourself against Claim the Firstbornimage

Sorcerous Spyglassimage - My favourite side-board card.

Containment Priestimage - That one game where I lost to Yorion Elementals. Experimental.

Scavenging Oozeimage - Really nice alternative to Grafdiggers Cage

Devout Decreeimage - Bruteforce against RB Sacrifice decks

Light of Hopeimage - Another copy against Temur Rec

Wildborn Preserverimage - Might be nice? Experimental.

## Maybe

Basri's Lieutnant : He works similar to Anax, and feels extremely nice to have him in play, but I either don't draw him or don't have enough lands..

Lurrus of the Dream Den and Idol of Enduranceimage : They didn't help me win, just dragged the matches out. Also it felt really bad to get Lurrus stolen.

Chamber Sentryimage : I didn't really test it, but the added cost for the activated ability is too slow.

## Troubles

The most trouble are definitely Extinction Eventimage and Claim the Firstbornimage. Against the later we got Alseid of Life's Bountyimage and Heroic Interventionimage, but the former hits hard. Cry of the Carnariumimage also hits hard, but only if we didn't draw any counter multipliers.


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Last Updated: 30 Jun 2020
Created: 30 Jun 2020
743 204 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (30)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (5)
Land (22)
Planeswalker (3)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


Maybeboard - 7 cards (7 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
24 18 15 3 0
1 4 10 0 0