Standard - R/W Dinosaurs

14 27
24 13 0 23

Firstly, im new to magic and by no means is this deck finalised. However, in the current MTGA Constructed i can steadilly get 4 or 5 wins with this without issue and occasionally hit 7 wins.


The main idea of the deck is to combo Forerunner of the Empireimage with your dino creatures. Its very strong when combined with Raptor Hatchlingimage to clear low toughness creature and tokens as you get the proc for the raptor entering the battlefield which then kills the Raptor Hatchlingimage and triggers another proc when the dinosaur token enters.

I tend to use Forerunner of the Empireimage to select the following dinosaurs based on what i am up against:

1. Raptor Hatchlingimage if i need to clear low toughness mobs

2. Needletooth Raptorimage if i need to clear a larger toughness mobs

3. Kinjalli's Sunwingimage if the opponents battefiled is empty or low on threats

4. Bellowing Aegisaurimage if i have numeorus mobs in the battlefiled to buff them.


I find that Kinjalli's Sunwingimage is great in the current meta and combos well with this deck. I try to save my take vengance and Seal Awayimage for opponents critical creatures which enter the battlefield tapped due to kinjali sunwing. I use Shivan Fireimage and Lightning Strikeimage to clear early game creature threats or to help finish larger mobs which survived the Forerunner of the Empireimage combo.


Overall i enjoy this deck and hope you do to. I will make amendments and link some video over the coming days.


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Last Updated: 17 Nov 2018
Created: 17 Nov 2018
55 73 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (23)

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