Standard - Rakdos Underworld

41 27
13 17 5 25
Midrange Jank



So this deck is mega fun bro. I've beaten decks where I literally was at one life grinding to the finish, and I've beaten decks senseless. This deck grinds really well with Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage and Ox of Agonasimage! We have Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twistedimage , Underworld Dreamsimage , and Davriel, Rogue Shadowmageimage to deal serious damage to our opponents. Ob Nixilis, the Hated-Twisted and Underworld Dreamsimage taxes our opponent drawing and catching up on cards after we force them to discard them, and Davriel, Rogue Shadowmageimage punishes our opponent having minimum to no cards playing catch up! The rest of the deck is solid removal pieces paired with strong creatures such as Rankle, Master of Pranksimage and Murderous Riderimage


The SB plan is pretty straight forward here. We have Duressimage for heavy spell decks such as control shells, flash to remove their counterspells and planewalkers, and even grind against decks that rely on certain bomb spells. I have two Legion's Endimage to deal with problimatic two drops from Rakdos Knights, B/W enchantments (has pretty knarly two drops), and even Cat Combo if they get greedy. I have 3 Leylin of the Void because let me tell you this is a graveyard meta EVEN THOUGH THERE'S ALL THIS HATE. Nothing feels better than Leyline turn one against U/R Phoenix, B/W Enchantments, Cat Combo, self mill, etc. We finish it up with two strong spells here being Noxious Graspimage and Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage. I bring in grasp against a lot of decks so I had to incorporate some number of these. I would recommend finding your local meta and going up or down depending. The Lily does work against Mid Range and Control decks. Against mid range, this can set up decent blockers and gain you card advantage from her passive ability. In control matchups, if this card sticks late game it can really do a number with them Zombies every turn. Feels good to get two to three on board and deal four to six damage and either draw a ton from a wrath, or still have creatures because they had to dig for an answer for her.



Any comments, shared opinions, etc please post. Feel free to download test and make arrangements! Share the process with me I love improving ideas behind new cards. Thank you!



First Edit- 

Hey guys, I made some changes after testing against an aggro list and U/W control. I decided to tick down on Davriel as it feels akward against aggro in G1. It doesn't accomplish much in stopping them from bettering their board presence, and with low loyalty it doesn't stick around after the initial activation making them discard. So, in aggro match ups Davriel is effectively "2B Opp discards one card" lol.

Second change I made was ticking down on Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twistedimage. I like this card, propably more than the average player, but I feel like against more of a non-creature deck list it doesn't have a lot to target. Targeting say an aggro player's creature helps get the problem off the board, BUT and this is crutuel, it allow them restock on cards when they draw two. That doesn't fit well in what the deck is trying to do! I left one in there, because it is essentially another copy of Underworld Dreamsimage. I also love killing my own Ox or Kroxa to draw two new cards haha!

Final change, in the slots of one Davirel and one Ob Nixilis, I put in 2 spicy Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage! I can't believe I didn't think of this in the first place. It is a clock against control, removal for creatures and walkers, AND it almost never dies to our own Storm's Wrath! It also cannot be countered which helps against U/W control, flash, etc. etc. Did I mention she's spicy?

2nd Edit-

Thank you for downloading my list and giving it a try! For the people who've tried this list out, what do you like and dislike about it? Any comments you wanna share! 

Regarding the changes, I ticked down on Duressimage and Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage and added two copies of Cry of the Carnariumimage. I decided to move the change because I felt a little overwhelmed against aggro lists before we can create a board presense. I felt like I relied on my primary board wipe Storm's Wrathimage to answer their board. When you need it and don't have it it's a pain as you know. Making these changes in the board won't hurt us too much due to having multiple discard outlets for the deck to run, and solid removal and walkers to play in the main board. At this point, I consider Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage to be much better than Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage. I'm happy with the results! More testing to come.


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Nice list, I think the best way right now to play Underworld Dreams is esper with Emergency Powers.

I like rakdos a lot, but right now its all about finding what the meta will be like. Too early to tell. I have another Rakdos shell I've been loving. I'm going to make a tech tech about it tonight or tomorrow!

Kroxa is my favorite card in the set. Like you, I've been trying to craft a mid-range deck around him. I've been messing around with you list and want to share with you what I've changed.
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020
Created: 22 Jan 2020
3148 328 2

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (13)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (5)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


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