Standard - Orzhov Control

29 40
5 21 8 26

This is a standard Orzhov Control brew that seems to be quite promising. Something that will seem immediately noticable by anyone is the Leyline of the Voidimage in the mainboard. This is to counter the all-to-common Cauldron Familiarimage and Witch's Ovenimage combo, more commonly known as Cat in the Oven, or simply Cat Oven. Cat Oven decks are hard to interact with due to the instant speed utility they provide with saccing creatures in the oven and reccuring cat. This, however, is not our deck. Our deck is aimed at stopping these decks while also being able to handle a myriad of other threats. This deck stands a chance against Fires of Inventionimage due to our mainboard Mortifyimage and our ability to handle anything late game threat they throw at us. Cavaliers do not stand a chance if they get Prison Realmimage'd or hit by Murderous Riderimage. The late game threats include: Seraph of the Scalesimage, Cavalier of Dawnimage, Gideon Blackbladeimage, and [Lilianna, Dreadhorde General]]. This mix up of potent threats is able to apply pressure to our opponent and still be able to be on the defensive for the most part, as two of the threats are planewalkers. The two non-legendary creature wincons in Cavalier of Dawn and Seraph of the Scales can stand guard with vigilance as it swings in for damage. Cry of the Carnariumimage hits graveyard and aggro stratagies hard, often stopping them in their tracks, similar to Leyline of the Void. Combine these two cards with Kaya, Orzhov Usurperimage, and you have a lot of exiling going on. Kaya can also prove to be a late game threat if she ever gets to ultimate when the opponent has a stockpile of exiled cards. Fun Fact: Creatures on and adventure count as exiled, and therefor count towards Kaya's ultimate. Oath of Kayaimage is VERY useful for keeping up lifetotals, hitting early game threats or face, and helps protect planewalkers when they would otherwise be defenseless. Disfigureimage, while only a two of, can be nice early for taking our mana dorks or aggro creatures, but is also very useful when combined with Cry of the Carnarium, as it helps get larger creatures like Questing Beastimage, Rankle, Master of Pranksimage, and Chandra's Spitfireimage into the exile pile. Ordinarily removal like Mortify, Murderous Rider and Prison Realm make quick work of these creatures, but hey, sometimes you gotta make do with what you got. Castle Locthwain, although life intensive, can help fuel card draw into the late game by helping us draw once or even twice on rare moments on our endstep, which can quickly end the game if we draw into powerful threats. 

That's the deck in a nutshell! Remove creatures, play threats and make way for them to stomp the face!


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Last Updated: 26 Nov 2019
Created: 26 Nov 2019
1029 217 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (5)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Land (26)
Planeswalker (8)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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