Standard - Mono Black Disruption

56 4
28 6 2 24

A fun rogue deck I like to use in MTG Arena Best of 1 unranked games. The deck is not strong enough in my opinion for ranked games or events, but is very fun in casual play.

Overall Strategy

The deck works by forcing your opponent to trade off their resources for yours (generally through one for one trades where you're getting the better deal) and then getting into an endgame where you have a big threat on the board (Dread Shade, Demon of Catastrophes, Liliana) that they cannot answer.

Purpose of Each Card

0 Drops

Memorial to Folly: A very helpful land for the scenario where you have a lot of mana and need a creature from your graveyard.

1 Drops

Fungal Infection: this is a very helpful defensive card that is good against aggro decks as it can remove one of their creatures (it even works on Adanto Vanguard!) while generating a helpful saproling. It's also great against creatures that explore such as Jadelight Ranger and Merfolk Branchwalker or as a cheap combat trick or as a surprise 1/1 with flash when your opponent removes your only creature from the board using Teferi.

2 Drops

Burglar Rat: A card that trades for the worst card in your opponent's hand while generating a helpful 1/1 black creature. Also handy to play after turn two when you know that your opponent has only 1 card in their hand and you know what it is.

Kitesail Freebooter: A card that can slow your opponent's strategy down or act as bait for their removal spells. Also handy because of its evasion.

Find / Finality: This deck has no green mana and does not play Finality. Find is a nice way of refreshing the hand.

3 Drops

Plaguecrafter: A nasty little trick against big creatures. Use Fungal infection to get rid of your opponent's 1/1 creature and then sacrifice the saproling (or a burglar rat) to get rid of your opponent's other creature. Also works on planeswalkers which is great against Teferi decks.

Midnight Reaper: A very helpful defense against board wipes. Also synergizes well with Plaguecrafter and Demon of Catastrophes since now sacrificing a non-saproling will draw you a card.

Dread Shade: One of the deck's win conditions. Against burn decks this card is often played on turn 4 so that it can survive a Lightning Strike. It's a great late game use of extra mana.

4 Drops

Demon of Catastrophes: One of the deck's win conditions. A 6/6 with flying and trample can be very hard to deal with. This card is often better than Doom Whisperer against aggro decks because you can potentially get it out as early as turn 4.

Ravenous Chupacabra: A defensive tempo card that can also act as fodder for Plaguecrafter or Demon of Catastrophes.

5 Drops

Liliana, the Necromancer: One of the deck's win conditions. Being able to add a creature from your graveyard to your hand is very powerful. The ability to do 2 burn damage to your opponent is also helpful in certain situations. The ultimate is almost never used.


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Last Updated: 20 Dec 2018
Created: 19 Dec 2018
377 86 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (12 distinct)

Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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