Standard - Lurrus Knights Bo3

15 19 18
25 14 0 22

You crave the new Companions and want a fast, cheap start into Ikora? Don't have the wildcards to go wild? Then this fast, aggressive deck might just be the right thing for you! Play with cards you already have but also explore the new Companion mechanic.


# Companion

Our pet of choice is Lurrus of the Dream Den. Basically we can only play cheap creatures, but we also are able to quickly recover from board-clear. A very fair trade-off!

My creatures of choice are knights, because they all are extremely cheap and have good synergy in the needed colors (black and white). We even add red, because Tournament Groundsimage are such a great enabler.


# Deck

Inspiring Veteranimage - Buff our army. Will probably be focused by the opponent.

Knight of the Ebon Legionimage - The main attacker. So good, so strong. Protect him and he will bring you glory.

Blacklance Paragonimage - Combat-trick and surprse attacker. Good to play in the opponent's turn after a board-wipe.

Worthy Knightimage - Board advantage machine. Grow our army to overwhelm the opponent. Too bad the tokens aren't knights.

Order of Midnightimage - Restore our board and provide another avenue of attack

Stormfist Crusaderimage - More accelertion, card draw and Spectacle triggers.

Fervent Championimage - Cheap, efficient knight. Combos with Blacklance Paragonimage to wipe big butts.

Light Up the Stageimage - Accelerator. We usually trigger Spectacle each turn.

Unbreakable Formationimage - Let's our army survive.

Fight as Oneimage - A cheap combat trick that helps us survive. Knight of the Ebon Legionimage (and Lurrus) are our only non-humans. Still, those are targets we definitely want to protect. Alternative: God's Willing. Scrys, allows to breach blocks but is only single target.

Carnival / Carnage - Something to clean-up weak creatures and also enable Spectacle or help Knight of the Ebon Legionimage. Carnage is also good as a finisher or just a surprise discard two.

Drill Bitimage - Disrupt the enemy, very good against any opponent. Probably should add the fourth copy.

Savai Triomeimage - A single copy to help with the mana.

Tournament Groundsimage - Mana enabler


# Sideboard

The new meta is just arising, so this is very experimental. Still, there are general threats for our deck we have to answer. Basically, we win if our creatures survive, or our opponent is too slow to reach their lategame. So we have to disrupt their ramp and also counter board-clear.

Change these however you like!

Desparkimage - Not sure, good against big butts, but maybe too specific. Also doesn't help in the early game.

Sorcerous Spyglassimage - I love it. Can also be brought back with Lurrus of the Dream Den

Angrath's Rampageimage - Deal with bigger blockers, artifacts and planeswalkers?

Light of Hopeimage - So far a great card to help adapt to any situation

Unbreakable Formationimage - Maybe play all three copies in the main?

Deafening Silenceimage - Against Wilderness Reclamationimage and UG flash. Beware to not hinder yourself by not being able to use multiple combat tricks.

Hushbringerimage - Everyone plays ETB effects, like Yorion, Sky Nomadimage elementals, Gyruda, Doom of Depthsimage mill or Winota, Joiner of Forcesimage combos.


# Maybeboard

Risk Factorimage - I mean, it's a good card.

Chance for Gloryimage - Too situational?

Response / Resurgence - 2 for 1: Deal with strong blockers and also sometimes get a second attack?

General's Enforcerimage - Too expensive to deal with the graveyard? Also we don't have legendary humans.

Apostle of Purifying Lightimage - Not a knight, but otherwise very good.


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Last Updated: 18 Apr 2020
Created: 18 Apr 2020
1193 287 0

Mainboard - 61 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (22)

Sideboard - 14 cards (9 distinct)


Maybeboard - 4 cards (4 distinct)


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2 6 6 0 0