Standard - Jay Golgari Midrange

30 32
25 7 4 24

Something spicy that allowed me 4-1 with a win-a-box tournamnet on (paper). Granted my land base is not with all the woodland cemetarys nor do i have 3 assassin's tropghy, but this deck is amazing with the plays that make you avaliable in and out of sideboard.

The (maybe) sideboard to this deck is something that stops izzet and also allows you the option to regain health to stablize our your vraska queen. Vine Mare gives you that attacker against Jeskai that kinda leverages the game in your favor, granted you can stick it. Finally, 1 of a contempt which may be more of if the meta is more heavy on getting your life up with mono-red. 


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Last Updated: 14 Oct 2018
Created: 14 Oct 2018
16 73 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (25 distinct)

Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


Maybeboard - 6 cards (3 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
6 17 15 7 0
7 4 3 1 0