Standard - Glass Menagerie

25 29 3
22 14 0 24

My current attempt at a Glass of the Guildpactimage afterlife deck. Certainly a work in progress!

The idea is to curve out with creatures that reward you for killing them and playing multicolor creatures. Imperious Oligarchimage and Ministrant of Obligationimage and Seraph of the Scalesimage are always awesome. I also like the idea of using Gruesome Menagerieimage to reoccur value, which requires us to play 1-drops. Trying out Hunted Witnessimage which is excellent to sacrifice and Footlight Fiendimage which is multicolor, but I keep messing with the numbers. Going 1, 2, 3 with value creatures is always great.

Midnight Reaperimage provides incredible card draw, and I'm going to try out Costly Plunderimage or Bankrupt in Bloodimage as well.

Pitiless Pontiffimage is very survivable with the ability to ward off attackers or attack with impunity, especially when buffed by Glass of the Guildpactimage.


The biggest issue imho is to discover what removal suite to run:

Kaya's Wrathimage is back breaking, and going Hunted Witnessimage into Imperious Oligarchimage into Ministrant of Obligationimage on the draw, then destroying our opponent's board while replacing our own can decimate aggressive to midrange decks. It can, however, be quite the dead card vs. control.

Meanwhile, there are threatening creatures, hexproofers, enchantments, AND planeswalkers to consider. I'm currently trying out a 2/2/2 set of anti-Carnage Tyrantimage or other fatties Consecrate // Consumeimage (which can cycle if useless), anti-enchantment/creature Mortifyimage, and Kaya's Wrathimage with extra copies to better tailor vs. opponent in the side, with the hopes our fliers can punch planeswalkers. Other cards to consider are Conclave Tribunalimage and Vraska's Contemptimage.

As the meta shapes out we'll be able to better predict what we'll face, and thus what removal to run.


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Last Updated: 19 Jan 2019
Created: 16 Jan 2019
129 69 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


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