Standard - Feather the Wizard?

17 20 20
17 20 2 21
Aggro Jank

Did you like Dominaria draft? Do you tend to go all in on a single game plan for better or for worse? Then boy have i got a deck for you. 

Presenting Izzet Wizards... with a twist. 

Now as we know prowess is a good mechaninc Monastery Swiftspearimage sees modern play for a reason, and while the options in standard dont explicitly say prowess, well its prowess so lets see what we can do with it. 

The start point for me was creatures and our first inclusion is Adeliz, the Cinder Windimage as she gives our non prowess wizards prowess. next we want some wizards Beamsplitter Mageimage can provide buffs to more than just itself Aven Wind Mageimage is just another prowess wizard and Burning Prophetimage gives us the offensive half of prowess and some card filtering, it plays just like a red Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage in this deck.

So we have our Wizards and everyone knows the next step is anything that cantrips... right. Nope told you there was a twist were running Feather, the Redeemedimage (she has an honourary degree from Tolarian Academy... shes totally a wizard) what feather allows us to do is to pack more effective combat tricks because we dont care about the cantriping with her on the board. And because she doesnt care what you target just that you target she combos nicely with the beamsplitters.

We resolve some wizards stick a feather and then we can cast the same spells every turn whilst scrying for our draw steps. 

That leaves us with some spells to choose after all were a spell slinger deck. choose your favourites and stick em in, we've got Moment of Triumphimage and Desperate Lungeimage for life gain, Maximize Altitudeimage gets us over the top of awkward board stalls. Defiant Strikeimage and Chart a Courseimage draw us into our feathers or spells to set up huge turns with the chart a course also offering psuedo cycling for any legendaries trapped in our hand. 

the Ral, Storm Conduitimage serves as janky beamsplitters 5 and 6 with his minus and as burning prophets with his plus, oh and his static goes off like 4 times a turn fairly regularly 


the sideboard has some answers to various common scenarios Invoke the Divineimage for artifact/enchantment, Dovin's Vetoimage for controll, Deafening Clarionimage and Settle the Wreckageimage as one sided board wipes as its super easy to get our board above the clarion. Dive Downimage protects our board as we can fold hard to removal and with the beamsplitters and feather dive down alone is often enough but if thats not working for you id try Lazotep Platingimage. the only other thing worth mentioning is the 2 extra lands in the sideboard, the reason is quite simple when you need a turn 4 settle you NEED a turn 4 settle and 21 lands just doesnt do it consistently.


The Maybeboard has a selection of other wizards that could easily find a home in the deck depending on where you want to go with it 


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Imho the creatureselection makes the curve less appealing.
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2019
Created: 03 Jun 2019
845 234 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (21)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


Maybeboard - 5 cards (5 distinct)


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5 2 8 0 0