Standard - Esper Never Lose!

15 20 7
0 33 2 25

Ok, so this is a deck I've been playing on and off (in best of ones only so far) making small changes from time to time (also have another variant not posted yet that's a bit more greedy laughing), and it has a solid positive win rate.

It seems to contain few win cons but I can assure u its inough if u are comfortable with, and enjoy, playing a patient game. Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage is often the only win con u need if u can trigger his emblem. Dawn of Hopeimage is another way to win, and it also combos very nicely with Fountain of Renewalimage giving u option to draw for 2 in upkeep. The Eldest Rebornimage can also be an out, and can, just as Devious Cover-Upimage, offer a little reset of your win cons.
If u like deck but still feel more at ease with more outs, I'd suggest main decking Nezahal, Primal Tideimage which is a great card in mirror-like games and especially vs. Niv/Drake/Archlight Phoenix as those decks spam instants and sorceries (and almost never any one card that can one-shot Nezahal, which makes it a very hard nut to crack).
Of course u could also add more Teferi's, I only have 2 myself smile

Sideboard has not been used as I've only gone single games, and for now sideboard has not been tested out, but of course there are some thoughts behind this, more info to come.
Will try this deck in Competitive Constructed and get back to you with results.


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Last Updated: 17 Jan 2019
Created: 04 Dec 2018
472 131 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (28 distinct)

Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (33)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 14 cards (10 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
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3 8 2 1 0