Standard - Eminent Domain (R/G Land Destruction)

30 22
13 22 2 23
The point is to destroy the enemy land while ramping and playing spells yourself.
The ideal opening hand will have 3-4 lands, ramp, land destrustion, and the last card can be anything.
You can sub out the 3rd Haphazard Bombardment for an additional threat such as Glorbringer or Rekindling Phoenix.
Nissa, Vital Force doesn't have too much impact, but her ult is a great source of card draw.
Samut is not only a great threat, but flash card removal
Tips: when destroying lands, try to focus on one color so you can limit the cards your opponent can play. ie: Izzet players can't counter you when they only have red mana up.
You may want to add an additional Sweltering Suns if you are coming across a lot of aggro on the day you play
If you see Ranging Raptors, you may want to concede. He seemingly brings about my demise when I see his stupid face.
If you are going to add more threats, I wouldn't dabble in creature spells higher than 5 cost. They don't play too well. The later mid-game is where this deck thrives. Take advantage of the great value Phoenix and Glorybrings (or other 4-5 drops) and hit your enemy while his mana economy is hurting.
Use Haphazard Bombardment on lands so you can kill 2 lands/turn for maximum sexy play
Lastly; let me know if you have any suggestions for this deck. I love land destruciton decks, but they are usually awful. I am trying to make this a BO3 deck, however it can't compete with meta decks.

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Last Updated: 30 Jun 2018
Created: 30 Jun 2018
336 91 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (13)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (23)
Planeswalker (2)

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