Standard - [DOM] Mono-White Aggro — Master w/ Guide

24 17 0 19

19 Land Mono-White


I started experimenting with this variant when I found that I was getting flooded in a 22 land deck. Basically it tries to take advantage of a low average cost (less than 2) and the fact that MTG Arena picks the best of two hands for your opening hand. You generally want to keep a hand with at least two lands. Anything less can be risky — but if you have a decent amount of 1-drops / token producers and a Legion's Landing you can try risking it if you're feeling brave.

I eventually cut the removal entirely from this deck. This is probably a questionable move, but with only 3 Seal Away's in the former list getting ahold of removal was anything but consistent. This list basically looks to generate a wide board and use multiple pumps to punch through for lethal.

Unless against a deck that is actively killing your creatures it's feasible to Ascend around turn 4, but I've managed to trigger it as early as 3.

This is the list I currently favor in QC, and I have been diligently recording my match-ups with it:

Mono-White Aggro 19 Land Stats Spreadsheet

About the Author

I'm just a Diamond 1 player. Just kidding, I'm a Master now. Still, take my advice with a grain of salt.

To say I'm the "Author" of this deck is a gross exaggeration. This is the standard mono-white list (though perhaps with deviations in choice of Trial of Solidarity over Pride of Conquerors and the Cartouche of Solidarity package).


1. If Dauntless Bodyguard is your only turn 1 play, don't be afraid to play her for tempo. Her ability, while useful, is fairly situational and it's often more valuable to exert pressure than to ensure you're getting the maximum potential out of every card.

2. The same can be said for Cartouche of Solidarity. While you may be tempted to hold on to them to "live the dream" and bounce Trial of Solidarity, it's often more valuable to get an early first-strike creature out or to get you closer to Ascension.

3. Triggering Legion's Landing can actually serve as mana acceleration, or get you out of a situation where you're stuck on 2 land.

4. It's important to exert as much early pressure as possible. Punch their life as much as you can. This can often cause an unskilled opponent to focus more on staying alive than winning the game, or make him launch half-hearted attacks for fear of losing. Take advantage of these situations to build your board presence in a stall with Adanto, the First Fort and hope for a Trial of Solidarity or Benalish Marshal to overwhelm their defenses.

5. While a Mulligan guide can be tricky since you're never sure what you're playing against, generally I look for a curve-out hand: a 1-drop, a 2-drop, and a 3-drop OR; three 1-drops and a 3-drop. It may be tempting to keep a hand with one land, a Legion's Landing and a bunch of 1-drops but be very careful.

6. Almost always trigger Adanto Vanguard's ability if it means trimming his board and keeping yours. Even against RDW.



I would say we're generally favored to win this match-up. If you can build-up a first-striking life-leecher, you're in a good spot. Please do not soft-ball this game too hard; you are an aggressive deck, and I encourage punching them back if they swing with everything — especially if you have Benalish Marshal or Trial of Solidarity in your hand and you know you can set up a big swing the following turn. You have an opportunity to gain life back, provided they don't have Rampaging Ferocidon out — where as every life they lose is one permanently gone. History of Benalia can be really good in this match-up, as vigilant creatures are incredibly useful against RDW. Don't be afraid to attack aggressively with Adanto Vanguard. They usually won't block, but if they do, activate her to diminish their board unless you're in the danger zone. Keep Seal Away for Glorybringer and Hazoret the Fervent.

This match-up gets exponentially harder if they manage to stick a Soul-Scar Mage and start throwing down Goblin Chainwhirler to kill/weaken your board. Goblin Chainwhirler is an absolute menace to this deck, but not everyone has them yet. Given a couple weeks, you can expect most RDW to be running the full package of Soul-Scar MageGoblin ChainwhirlerEarthshaker KhenraRampaging Ferocidon, and Hazoret the Fervent.

This is, IMO, the best deck in the format until they ban Rampaging Ferocidon and Ramunap Ruins again.

Second Sun

I can't remember the last time I lost to this deck. It's a pretty straight forward match-up. Play aggressively and try to bait out his counters. Once he hits 4 land, slow-roll him with partial attacks so he doesn't blow you out with Settle the Wreckage. If he taps out for Approach of the Second Sun you basically get a free alpha-strike against him and he'll likely be dead.

Lately they've been running Lyra Dawnbringer as an anti-aggro card. You basically have to build a big enough board / buff to where you can make up for the lifegain while being mindful that if you attack with too much you set yourself up for a Settle the Wreckage.

Always assume they have another Settle the Wreckage. It's anecdotal, but I've had as many as three played against me before. After 2 you may feel confidant, but you never know.

U/B Control

Basically you just have to be aggressive and beat their face in. You're more or less praying they don't get a Golden Demise. If they tap out for The Scarab God you have a turn to punch in and try to end it (or at least force them to block with Scarab in such a manner that he dies and they have to recast him), but they should be at fairly low life by the time they can cast him anyway.


They're not going to block with their Llanowar Elves, so just punch in as early as you can. They're playing an aggressive game, too, and likely won't hold back Steel Leaf Champion unless they're on the ropes. Play it like an RDW and hit when you can. You're basically going to try to build a board around them while hitting as often as you can, setting up a alpha strike with Shefet DunesTrial of Solidarity, or a surprise Benalish MarshalCarnage Tyrant and Ghalta, Primal Hungercan both be a problem, with the latter being a prime target for Seal Away. This is one of those match-ups where a Skymarcher Aspirant can really help.


Strangely, this deck is an absolute nightmare for us if they start throwing +1/+1 counters everywhere. They can go as wide as we can with Deeproot WatersDeeproot Elite is the real all-star here, turning harmless little fish-people into Godless killing machines. Multiple Merfolk Mistbinder can be our undoing, and Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca can generate huge value for them if he sticks. I don't have many tips other than to be as aggressive as you dare without diminishing your board. This is one of those games where Seal Away feels bad if they decide to just sit their Deeproot Elite out.

There is, however, a card that sort of punishes Merfolk hard. Tocatli Honor Guard can put a stop to a lot of their nonsense, but she is a rare and takes up the crowded 2-cost slot.

U/W Historic

This deck is... very difficult. By way of Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage they can flash in Lyra Dawnbringer, their Planeswalker's, or even Urza's Ruinous Blast. Throw in Settle the Wreckage and this is just kind of a nightmare match-up. Not much to say, as I've only faced it a couple times but haven't quite cracked the match-up.


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Last Updated: 07 May 2018
Created: 05 May 2018
396 109 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (13 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (19)

Maybeboard - 10 cards (10 distinct)


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