Standard - [DOM - MTGA] Red Deck Wins

31 7 0 22

First Run through Quick Constructed Queues:


This deck is one of many constructed by JackischMTG. You can see all my deck lists here:

My goal in creating numerous deck lists is to provide for my Twitch and Youtube audience a catalog of decks that have been built by an experienced MTG player. In doing this, I will naturally not have had the ability to test EVERY deck that I put together. BUT, I will do the following for every list I publish moving forward:

  • Indicate how much testing and tuning went into the list, as well as whether the deck is more theory or proven concept
  • Provide either a brief video or written summary of me explaining how to play the deck and what considerations went into card choices.
  • Always ensure that both the MANA BASE and MANA CURVE is as “correct” and “streamlined" as possible, enabling you to enjoy more consistent game play
  • Provide ideas on how you could make changes to the deck, and switch cards around
  • I’m also always willing to talk about any list with you directly on my twitch stream:


 Video Explanation:


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RDW is love, RDW is life
Sick of seeing this kind of deck on Quick Constructed. Out of the 6 games I played in my last one, 4 of them were Mono Red.
One thing to note about Soul-Scar Mage is how well it works with ALL forms of non combat damage. This includes the damage from an exerted Glorybringer, or my favorite, the Goblin Chainwhirler. Chainwhirler's damage isn't always relevant by turn 3 because it might not do much, but putting a -1/-1 counter on all enemy creatures is worth it. And exerting a Glorybringer kills Hazoret, or can be used to nerf anything with high toughness.
i am not shitting on the build at all. But i get shut down by every control deck there is. And that is what everyone is playing
Brewmaster83, I'm rocking a 66% (roughly) win rate with it, which is enough to go infinite in the constructed queues (which require a 57% win rate. The deck plays 8 copies of burn, 9 deserts for ramunap ruins, and 4 hazorets. If you're not closing out the game with that kind of reach, you're just playing the deck wrong.

Here's my very first attempt at constructed queues with the deck:

We ended up going 6-3 on the stream.
Last Updated: 31 May 2018
Created: 25 Apr 2018
47374 202 5

Mainboard - 60 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (31)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (22)

Maybeboard - 10 cards (10 distinct)


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Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
6 17 14 5 0
0 0 0 0 0