Standard - Boros Midaggro

37 19
19 18 0 23
Aggro Midrange

Work in progress... My current attempt at a Boros deck hinging on the power of History of Benaliaimage and the ability to use Rekindling Phoeniximage and Aurelia, Exemplar of Justiceimage as win conditions. Currently I only own 2 of each of thse 4-drops (first Boros deck) but I may want to increase to 3 of each.

We run a suite of removal with powerful cards like Justice Strikeimage and catch-alls in Conclave Tribunalimage and look for some reach via Lightning Strikeimage.

Tajic, Legion's Edgeimage + Deafening Clarionimage will often win on the spot if you can clear a board stall, and even still you can protect Adanto Vanguardimage (and use the lifesteal from Clarion to regain the health loss) or use Dauntless Bodyguardimage to protect something and make the clear more one-sided. Meanwhile Aurelia, Exemplar of Justiceimage won't die and Rekindling Phoeniximage doesn't care too terribly much if you kill it - it would still require a removal spell from the opponent.

In the side board we tailor our removal a bit more: Ixalan's Bindingimages for planeswalkers/enchantments we want to shut up, Baffling Endimage for powerful and difficult-to-deal-with 3-drops, an additional Deafening Clarionimage for when we need less spot removal and more sweepers, and Lava Coilimage to kill 4-hp creatures like Steel Leaf Championimage (in replace of clarions). Then an extra Tajic, Legion's Edgeimage for when he really messes with red removal or we want to combo with Clarion.

Currently I'm trying Dire Fleet Daredevilimage against more control-oriented decks as a way to steal their removal or card draw and generate some value. If they have no creatures we can replace our 3 Justice Strikeimages with Integrity // Interventionimage and an extra Lightning Strikeimage for additional face dmg.

Things to consider in the sideboard include more specific artifact/enchantment removal, graveyard hate, or Sorcerous Spyglassimage. If Carnage Tyrantimage becomes really popular we might want to toss in a Detection Towerimage.

I may want to go up to 24 lands? So far not hitting 4 lands on 4 is not a big deal and getting Legion's Landing // Adanto, the First Fortimage to flip is enough if we get mana screwed.


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Last Updated: 24 Oct 2018
Created: 22 Oct 2018
1237 70 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 15 cards (10 distinct)


Maybeboard - 7 cards (7 distinct)


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