Traditional Explorer - Jund Food Top21Mythic

22 11 11
15 21 0 24

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So here we are playing the best deck of the format hitting 21#Mythic and having 14 win in a row, Explorer looks like a solved format where if you don't play red and black (rakdos midrange,jund food,rakdos sacrifice) you probably struggle a lot and if WOTC don't wont to match the cardpool of Piooner really fast the newest format on arena will in my opinion die in 2 months. For the build of this deck we start from this concept you know who you want to beat so be ready for this rakdos decks in the main and in the sideboard:

1)CUTS: i start from a really popular food list whos playing jegantha 23 lands and 2 elves in main but looks like elves are really bad in a devil,push world so i cut them and add a land and meathook (2x)really a dominat card in all this matchup (rakdos sacrifice and midrange can't answer it and the drain stops the opponent cat/oven damage) this card is also very good against creature decks in general and if midrange keep on destroying control strategy like now we are pretty safe to say this jegantha is not worth! PLAY MEATHOOK IS TOO STRONG IN THIS FORMAT.

2) Sideboard:

push N4 is in side for aggressive decks or spirits because 3 spot removal plus 2 sweeper and the pings from the devil looks good enough for game1.

boseiju N2 also in the side i really love this card is in my opinion the best card from expressive iteration in standard and in a format where food is the best deck you need 2 of this in your 75 for sure, i mean worst case is a land the floor of the channel green card from kamigawa is super high and this is the first reason why boseiju appears in all the format from standard to vintage.

Charm can looks like a clunky card but is the ultimate answer for basically all you need to kill, sure 3 mana is a lot but charm hit dream trawler (no hexproof protection),teferi,chandra,sorin,griesfang(also exile the graveyard in this matchup),korvold,traspasser(no ward protection),devil and of course is still a draw 3 in late game is so clutch in this format i really want to play that in the main but cut a card from the 60s looks really hard.

casualty is a 4 for 1 in the mirror, sure is really really expensive but the game here is long and grindy so survive and turn the corner or drop the hammer on the opponent if you are ahead. Easy 2 copies

Ob nixilis really impress me in the rakdos version single handle the control matchup there so i try in the jund version. Is not insane like in the other deck but can steal the game. Of course there are no that many creature to sacrifice and i usually cut some devil against UW so maybe this should be a 1X but for now 3 mana planes is still solid.


Hidetsugu is the main way the second best deck of the format(midrange) will attack you so cut 1x from all the 1drop and bring discard spell they also help you to deal with planes or kiki saga. Cut 1/2 devil (play/draw) in this matchup is gonna no matter what midrange is a removal tribal deck so win the game using all the value from kiki trial and dispute also an unchecked korvlod is so scary for midrange they always need be carefull.

Control/creativity is probably the worst matchup but thanks to midrange is not so popular but you can still find that sometimes so be ready half of the sideboard is for this matchup revolutionizes your deck configuration.

The most played cards in this format are push and thoughtseize so be sure to start the game with oven not goose when you can, some food tokens in this deck can make the difference. 


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Last Updated: 30 Jun 2022
Created: 30 Jun 2022
219 74 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (15)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


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