Timeless - Turn 2 OTK. Very, very inconsistent.

4 12
4 4 0 52
Combo Jank

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Never, under any circumstance, play a land in this archetype unless it's the same turn you can combo off. Otherwise, you may whiff and then there's almost no way you can deal lethal with the desert triggers.

Resist the temptation to add other cards to the deck, too, because the whole point is that if you have a Cultivator Colossus in graveyard and a Reanimate in hand, at most you will have other 6 non land cards - and given that you'll have a 6 cards hand when you perform the combo it's very unlikely to whiff unless you have all your deserts at the bottom and all your non land cards at the top. If you want to be absolutely sure the combo can't whiff, remove a single combo piece, or, as a halfway through alternative, replace a single Cultivator Colossus or Reanimate with Once Upon a time: with Once Upon a Time in the opening hand you can't mathematically whiff either.

You literally discard Colossus to handsize. Yes, this deck is that ridiculous. Have fun and try not to tilt too much, and remember: trolling with a glass cannon deck is way more tilting for the opponent when it works, ESPECIALLY if they're playing control.


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Last Updated: 21 Apr 2024
Created: 21 Apr 2024
102 15 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (11 distinct)

Creature (4)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (52)

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