Arena Standard - You don't need red in Nissa-landfall.

21 27
14 21 0 33

Not anymore! The new deserts solve all the issues. This archetype still loses against the new mono red with Slickshot Showoff - I mean, which one doesn't - but it's surprisingly consistent and fast.

I tried having multiple copies of the Jewel, but this is one of those decks which really can't allow having a dead draw with a second copy in hand in my opinion. Same is true for the Cauldron.

Don't underestimate Dryad's Revival, in many occasions it performs better than Memory Deluge and if you include both it's basically impossible to whiff while you're searching for your win conditions.

Speaking of wincons, here's how you close the game:

- Invasion of Arcavios etbs, fetching Doppelgang;

- Doppelgang copies Arcavios itself and the deserts, you win by pinging opponent's face multiple times (hundred of times, if you also copy Virtue of Knowledge).

If you have Nissa on the battlefield, you go infinite with mana/card advantage with as low as x=2: two lands make 4 mana and two arcavios give you Doppelgang back AND Splendid reclamation to repeat the cycle. Otherwise, x=4 on Arcavios, Virtue of Strenght, one basic land and one desert is more than enough to begin the unstoppable spiral of destruction. Enjoy!


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Last Updated: 18 Apr 2024
Created: 18 Apr 2024
146 19 0

Mainboard - 70 cards (24 distinct)

Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Land (33)
Other (2)

Sideboard - 7 cards (6 distinct)


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