Arena Standard - White Coffee Jar

41 4
12 24 0 24
Control Jank

White Coffee Jar

This is a bad pun off White and Containment Priestimage (container?.. get it?). The deck effectively abuses the fact that things that get cheated into play just gets exiled. In short, this is an anti-meta deck. It kills:

  • Winota summons
  • Reanimators (Sac-dos?)

Hushbringer is also a key point in this deck that deals with

  • Gadwick
  • Risen Reef

While I don't have the full set of cards to make it 4-off yet, it's in beginner stage and it looks effective enough.

Rotation: This is a mostly

Play Tips:

1) Use the sacrifice creatures to protect Containment Priest where possible, but Lurrus can bring her back.

2) Use Runed Halo on their biggest threat (and just don't bother blocking). Note: This can be used on things like Ugin!

3) Never forget the 'indestructable' + wrath effects.

4) Removal of the deck can come in the form of Glass casket or Flicker of Fate (on enemy creature). It gets removed and NEVER comes back! Expect opponent to be looking at cards, wondering what happened.

4a) Pro tip: When you trap a creature under the Prison cards, you can use Flicker of Fate to 'release' the captive back to enemy (gets exiled by Priest) to recapture a new creature under it as Instant speed!


Divine Arrow - vs Aggro, or creature heavy decks

Class Casket - vs Combo/Control/Midrange which have nasty early game creatures

Revoke Existence - vs Enchanment

Faith's Fetters - vs Creature


Being worked on but rough playing shows it doing well on its natural enemies.

Deathtouch deck

Unfortunately nothing in that deck, besides Questing Beast is power 4, so Blade Banish is useless, but the Lurrus/Alsied recursion should last long enough until you draw an indestructible/wrath effect. Once wrathed, Dawn of Hope pretty much guarantees you recover faster than they do. Besides Hooded Blightfangimage creatures are toughness 1.


There are a lot of builds for this. vs just straight creatures (Goblin, Arcanist), a wrath puts sealed to them


This deck wrecked the Elemental deck with Leafkin Druidimage, Risen Reefimage - all the ETB effects were nullified by Hushbringer if it lands in the first few turns. Get that down and the matchup becomes easy. Definately looking at 4 copies of Hushbringer once I get enough wildcards (sideboard)

Expected rating:

Will find out when the season restarts


First draft. Some of the Divine Arrow will be removed for more Priests and Dranith Magistrates, or Hushfaeries

* After playtesting, it works, but can be very fragile due to drawing. As such I explored a UW version which used Fae of Wishesimage for toolboxing and some control. I believe the UW version works better.

I will keep this version up as historical. The White Coffee Jar just turned Azorius Coffee Mug :)

Sorry - I reimported the deck and it added rather than replaced. Learnt it!


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Last Updated: 04 Sep 2020
Created: 28 Aug 2020
235 205 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (12)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 14 cards (8 distinct)


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