Arena Standard - Urassa

43 12
18 17 2 23
Midrange Control

This one is pretty fun. Threw it together last night, and have won a decent amount of matches thus far. I'm sure there are similar concepts out there with Agent of Trachery and Thassa. But this adds in some uniqueness, I feel, with Uro.

The name of this game is simple, get out as much mana, and draw as many cards as possible for cards to exile to bring back Uro. Blink Agent of Treachery with Thassa to gain control of opponent's threats. Blink Uro to gain life, and draw cards (Be warned, he will not stay on the battlefield when returning from Exile). Cast your cheap blue instants (Growth Spiral. Negate, Opt, Radical Idea) with Gadwick out to tap opponents threats away. Narset can be replaced, I just put her in as filler to draw a few more cards. 

Nylea helps gets creatures out quicker (especially Agent who has a hefty casting cost). And dryad offers some nice defense @ 2/4 with some additional abilities in getting mana out quicker from draws, and allowing those lands to produce anything.


Feedback is always welcome! Thanks for checking things out.


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Last Updated: 18 Apr 2020
Created: 16 Mar 2020
1262 681 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (16 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (23)
Planeswalker (2)

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