Arena Standard - Turtle Soup

15 22
21 15 0 24

Turn turtles and gods into soup!

A weird little Vito+Bushmeat Poacher combo.  Some early blockers, some mid game control, with lots of scry and life gain.  Main goal is to turn turtles, gods, and faeries into bushmeat or Food, using Vito to add damage.  Block freely with turtles, Foretell components when you can, scry with Tome and Hakka, pick up answers from the sideboard with Fae.  Combo comes together better in late game, with Tergrid for grinding and Alrund for card advantage.  

Vito is not a turn 3 drop.  You need to time him to immediately get a drain with Poacher/Tome.  A key part of playing the deck is anticipating when your opponent will remove creatures, and timing your Poacher/Oven accordingly.  Same with Tergrid; drop her when an opponent's saga is about to expire or you're prepared to immediately sacrifice her. Otherwise just go for her Lantern.

Don't be afraid to nuke your board with Extinction Event, but always double-check and get your own pieces off the board first with Oven/Poacher/Hakka hand return.  Remember that Hakka is even but Alrund is odd.

When Alrund's end of turn trigger happens, Creature is the default choice.  Land if you need it, Instant for a bit of scry, Sorcery if you need Extinction event.  Replacing Poison the Cup with Feed The Swarm makes the removal options more consistent, and might be better depending on what you're facing on ladder.

Behold the Multiverse has foretell, but if you can foretell Field Research, it's arguably better.

Rankle is awesome with Tergrid and some turtles to sacrifice, but it's tricky to add him in Bo1.  Deck is already stuffed, and he's worthless against anything with flying blockers.


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Last Updated: 13 Mar 2021
Created: 13 Mar 2021
44 53 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 15 cards (15 distinct)


Maybeboard - 6 cards (5 distinct)


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