Arena Standard - Turbo Value Lorehold

33 36
23 14 0 23

Discard everything and swing away with a cascade of free value tech.

Buff your double strike critters during the attack pahse by free casting discarded spells into the graveyard, bring them back warsinger and protection or tample to push his damage through. 

Use your learn board to stay on curve, charge your graveyard or just fix your draw against control or mill. 

Repeatadly bring Lavabrink back and swap its protections as needed.

Take Velomachus to complete the meme.


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Last Updated: 06 Jul 2021
Created: 05 May 2021
56 111 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (16 distinct)

Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 7 cards (4 distinct)


Maybeboard - 2 cards (1 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
23 14 18 5 0
4 0 3 0 0