Arena Standard - The Apocalypse Launderer

8 44 15
21 20 0 25

lot of room for building/improving this deck. Really wanted a reanimator deck for current rotation. batterfly to deter any attacks cuz of deathtouch ability, gloomshrieker can pull lands from the grave if needed, or other cards ofcource. like getting a underdog from the grave to cast for two again and undead butler can accomplish same thing..Flex out the high drop mythics with ur choice of high drops mythics and maybe add a way to take better advantage of casting diregraf early by wiping the board. then ofcourse the sheoldred heals from mulch and thirst for discovery, blitz draw, connive. You can sustain yourself as well as protect yourself for a good long while if you pilot the deck well.


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Last Updated: 20 Sep 2022
Created: 20 Sep 2022
71 20 0

Mainboard - 66 cards (28 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (25)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
14 17 22 13 0
0 0 0 0 0