Arena Standard - Sultai Topdeck

37 22 13
21 17 0 22

I was watching some sultai stuff that uses agent of treachery. Then it stole a twilight prophet and on the next turn, the player topdecked another agent which dealt 7 damage.

This gave me the idea of making a reanimator, steal-your-deck, scry reliant TWILIGHT PROPHET DECK!

So the idea is to pretend that your deck is a Risen Reefimage ramper. then Neoformimage those reefs for either Twilight Prophetimage or the Sphinx of Foresightimage.
If you manage to get both, this will be the combo. Try to place the DUAL//CARDS like Connive // Concoct on top for maximum damage.
Also disable your auto order for abilities so you can scry first and draw next.

Adding more scry lands would be good here and this is the only deck where sometimes I do not discard with concoct because drawing an agent and dealing 7 damage is better than resurrecting it.

I believe this deck is weak against wipes, simic flash and some planeswalkers, but I can only guarantee fun if you manage to pull this off.

Also you can add more scrylands as you please, I just don't have that many wildcards.

Would love any feedback and share your experience to me if you manage to create this deck, thanks!


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Last Updated: 15 Aug 2019
Created: 15 Aug 2019
12 71 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (27 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (22)

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