Arena Standard - Winning Standard '22 Golgari Control

38 16
12 19 5 25

I've been playing this or some variant for the last two months, from unranked to high-Diamond last season, climbing just as quickly currently.

  • Early treasures, allow skipping right to turn four or five on turn three. Shambling on one, Dispute it on two, makes for Swarming on turn three. This will dominate slower decks and control opponents.
  • Culling Ritual is the answer to wide early boards, allows for swarming or your walkers as a follow-up.
  • Blood on the Snow is an obvious sweeper here if things get out of control or scary. Recurring walkers or the right creature is huge, play smart.
  • Nissa is a good target for the opponent early to mid-game that can sneak in damage surprisingly well and will get out of hand if left alone.

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Last Updated: 27 Aug 2021
Created: 27 Aug 2021
75 116 0

Mainboard - 61 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (12)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (5)

Sideboard - 7 cards (6 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
21 13 22 5 0
2 2 1 2 0