Arena Standard - Rakdos Beatdown v5 – Feat. 2 Aclazotz

38 8
26 8 0 26
Aggro Midrange

Aclazotz Joins Rakdos Beatdown as a Top-End Threat

image image image


This is the fifth version of my Rakdos Beatdown deck deploying the best creatures and spells of the Standard format, with a focus on providing haste to big flying creatures, such as Archfiend of the Drossimage and Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal // Temple of the Deadimage, with Reckless Stormseeker // Storm-Charged Slasherimage, quickly dealing huge amounts of unblockable damage to the opponent.

In this version, I removed Gix, Yawgmoth Praetorimage from the deck and added Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal // Temple of the Deadimage. The deck is essentially the same as Rakdos Haste Flyer Beatdown v2 but Bonehoard Dracosaurimage replaced with Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal // Temple of the Deadimage and somewhat changed mana base. The removal of Bonehoard Dracosaurimage allows one to play with just 1 Mountain, because no card requires two red mana. I also changed Mishra's Foundryimage into Mirreximage, which can help you casting your spells the turn it enters the battlefield. It's also great for generating a multitude of tokens in the late game.


  • The deck is for the Standard format with Murders at Karlov Manor being the last legal set.
  • The deck is probably Tier 1 or Tier 1.5 caliber.
  • The deck can be played in both Bo1 and Bo3.
  • The deck is pretty fast, and thus it's suitable for quickly grinding a large number of wins in the MTG Arena ladder.


This is my own brew.

Previous Versions

Mana Base Statistics

  • Total of 26 lands
  • 19 lands produce black mana
  • 16 lands produce red mana
  • 5 lands may produce colored mana but are counted here as producing colorless mana

Starting Hand Probabilities

Bo3 (No Hand Smoothing)

  • At least two lands: 89.6 %
  • 2–5 lands: 87.4 %
  • At least 1 black mana: 94.2 %
  • At least 2 black mana: 72.1 %
  • At least 1 red mana: 90.1 %

Bo1 (Hand Smoothing)

Ranked Queue (Best of 2 Hands)

Hand smoothing in the ranked queue takes the best of 2 different starting hands (of 2 different deck shuffles).

  • 2–5 lands: 98.4 % (approximately)
Play Queue (Best of 3 Hands)

Hand smoothing in the play queue takes the best of 3 different starting hands (of 3 different deck shuffles).

  • 2–5 lands: 99.8 % (approximately)

Land Probabilities

Probabilities are for on the play / on the draw.

Land Count

With Any Starting Hand
  • At least 3 lands by turn 3: 84.6 % / 90.2 %
  • At least 4 lands by turn 4: 71.6 % / 80.2 %
  • At least 5 lands by turn 5: 56.7% / 67.2 %
With 2-Land Starting Hand
  • At least 3 lands by turn 3: 70.5 % / 84.4 %
  • At least 4 lands by turn 4: 42.8 % / 61.9 %
  • At least 5 lands by turn 5: 23.7 % / 40.9 %
With 3-Land Starting Hand
  • At least 4 lands by turn 4: 82.7 % / 90.6 %
  • At least 5 lands by turn 5: 58.8 % / 73.1 %
With 4-Land Starting Hand
  • At least 5 lands by turn 5: 89.3 % / 94.1 %

Color Count

These probabilities are counted as Cavern of Soulsimage and Mirreximage providing colorless mana.

With Any Starting Hand

  • At least 2 black mana by turn 3: 85.4 % / 89.7 %
  • At least 2 black mana by turn 4: 89.7 % / 92.9 %
  • At least 1 red mana by turn 2: 93.1 % / 95.2 %
  • At least 1 red mana by turn 3: 95.2 % / 96.7 %

With 1-Black-Mana Starting Hand

  • At least 2 black mana by turn 3: 56.8 % / 72.1 %
  • At least 2 black mana by turn 4: 72.1 % / 82.1 %

Creature Statistics

  • Total of 26 creatures
  • 8 Vampires
  • 6 Bats
  • 6 Humans
  • 6 Phyrexians

Change Log

28th March, 2024

Main Deck



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Last Updated: 23 Apr 2024
Created: 12 Mar 2024
257 65 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (26)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


Maybeboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
5 16 33 6 0
4 1 4 6 0