Arena Standard - Legandary Creatures Only

33 11 25
34 0 0 26

Currently Mythic #199, multiple 7 wins in Standard Event.

Legendary creatures only making use of Plaza of Heroes and Ratadrabik to protect and recur.  This means the only removal is 3 copies of Ertai, a couple of NEO channels, and the creatures on board.

I generally prioritize board control, whether that's playing defensively against Mono R or Aggro Mono B, but often you want to play aggressively.  Tempo advantage is our win condition since there is basically no come-back cards to bail us out when we run out of gas.  Against Mono U with a very clear counter plan, it can be better to wait them out until you have enough mana to play multiple cards in one turn and flip tempo with a NEO channel play.


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Last Updated: 28 Sep 2022
Created: 25 Sep 2022
128 38 0

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0 4 48 7 0
0 0 0 0 0