Arena Standard - Phoenix Learn 22

20 30
17 20 0 23

A midrange Lorehold Learn deck based around Retriever Phoenix (and of course, the almighty Goldspan dragon, who you just can't leave out if you want to win games).

Leaving aside the busted goldspan dragon, the idea here is to abuse Retriever Phoenix. The idea is to obviously discard the phoenix (getting some advantage from that) and bring it back with Learn. The key trick is to remember that when learning, you can choose to not go to the board, but discard and draw (rummage). So you can do something like turn 2 professor, discard phoenix and draw a card, then turn 3 play sparring regimen, learn to get back the phoenix, attack with professor and phoenix (with a regimen counter) for 5.

There are lots and LOTS of weird tricks and interactions with this deck. It is not straightforward and takes a lot of practice. Especially when Conspiracy Theorist comes into the mix. He not only allows us to loot on attacking if we run out of learn or other loot / rummage effects, but he also lets us play cards we discard. Late game you can set up some complex chains of play, things like play a professor, use learn to rummage (discarding an igneous inspiration), which we then exile and cast with conspiracy theorist, which we then learn from to either rummage again (possibly casting again!), or get back a phoenix or just learn and get an exhibition etc.

Anyway this is a super fun and tricky deck. I got it to Diamond 3 and I am an ordinary casual player. If you are good and put more time into it you could take it to mythic. But it is not simple and requires patience. Enjoy!


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Last Updated: 15 Sep 2021
Created: 15 Sep 2021
36 15 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 7 cards (4 distinct)


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