Arena Standard - Orzhov Wispdrinker Vampire Defender

24 10
23 12 0 25
Combo Jank

Build up your defenders and tokens until you reach a critical mass. Your Shield-Wall Sentinel (SWS) should be looking for other defenders in this order: Other SWS, Wingmantle Chaplain(WMC), then Suspicious Bookcase. Crew only cares about the TOTAL power; So long as you fulfill the minimum power, you can add on zero-power creatures as well. If that means crewing with a token, meaning it ceases to exist once it's exiled, then so be it. To put it in nautical terms, if a token fell overboard mid-journey, that does not change the fact that it left port.

When they're exiled, they're all exiled at the same time, which means Luminous Phantom triggers for all of them, regardless of whether or not you crewed with Luminous Phantom, in order to turn it back into Lunarch Veteran(LV). Those creatures return regardless of whether or not Golden Argosy survives combat. If available, I recommend holding back a Suspicious Bookcase to make it unblockable, if the opponent looks like they might kill it. When the crew return, all ETBs trigger at the same time, including LV, SWS, WMC, Elas il-Kor(EiK), and Wispdrinker Vampire(WDV). Most opponents concede at this point.

If they don't concede, then WMC creates a FLOCK of Bird Tokens, all of which trigger LV, EiK, and WDV again and then Mondrak. Then Mondrak's tokens trigger LV, EiK, and WDV AGAIN. 99% of opponents have conceded at this point.

For the remaining 1% of opponents that don't concede, if you have 15 tapped creatures (of which you can use crewed creatures and other attackers) and WWWWW, activate Halo Fountain(HF) for the win. If you don't have HF's win-condition, then swing with Golden Argosy and your Birds on your next turn.


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Last Updated: 18 Apr 2024
Created: 31 Jan 2024
27 13 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (25)

Sideboard - 14 cards (5 distinct)


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