Arena Standard - Onyx Teaches - Sultai Yorion

36 31 31
8 38 2 32

A Best of One Sultai Yorion with a sideboard that is more than a novelty. 


Leverage Divide by Zero to bounce the things you should be bouncing with Yorion since you lack the game sense to actualy set up the yorion buy into cast timing properly.


Why we DBZ

Typical turn  - play Binding kill something.

Next Turn  - Get your forest, Cast DBZ and bounce BoG then buy Yorion, pull lesson.

Next Turn - Cast Binding Again kill another thing.

Next Turn - Get your forest, Cast yorion, bounce Binding, watch enemy scoop. 


Typical Turn - Play Onyx -3 sacrafice enemy creature. 

Next Turn - Play DBZ and bounce Onyx, Buy yorion.

Next Turn - Play Onyx -3 Sacrafice Enemy Creature.

Next Turn - +1 Onyx, grab a spell, Drop Yorion, reset Onyx.


Typical Turn - Cast Ultimatum (Valki - Onyx - Vorni) or (Kiora - Baloth - Alrunds)

Next Turn -  Tap All creatures and Bounce Kiora, cause lets be honest no one is going to give you Vorni + Oynx

Next Turn - Hard cast Kiora and watch the scoop. 



You get the idea, the real reason for all this is to play alittle slower while mainintaing control of the board state allowing you to be able to play both your ultimatum and be able to hold up a counterspell. This is how you beat other control decks. 


Baloth while lack luster provides a trample body and requires a different type of control to deal with than Koma does, this makes them an awesome pair in your deck. 


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Last Updated: 07 Jul 2021
Created: 01 Jul 2021
102 348 0

Mainboard - 80 cards (32 distinct)

Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (38)
Land (32)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 7 cards (7 distinct)


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2 1 4 0 0