Arena Standard - Nissa celebrates good times

12 45
18 8 9 25

Celebrate good times with Nissa on 3 again!

The idea of this deck is to ramp on turn 1 and 2, nissa on 3, celebration on 4 for an emblem, and have fun with all the mana in the world.

Tamiyo is to find our nissa and celebrations, which you can 4x proliferate her, our krasis's, and lands. When you do that every turn, and 7 mana is nothing when this deck gets going, you can rapidly end up with 10/10 vigilant, indestructable, lands.

Overall, this is another 4 nissa and whatever you want deck, so have fun ;)


Individual reasons each card is in the deck:

Gilded goose: Ramp on turn 1, provides a light but for aggro. You can also replace this with grazer if you prefer. Llanowar elves would be the best, but we don't have them anymore :(

Paradise druid: Ramp on turn 2. Hexproof makes this hard to deal with. Also fixes our mana a bit as we are skewed into forests for nissa.

Growth spiral: More turn 2 ramp. may allow you to also play a goose a turn late and still hit nissa on 3.

Nissa triumph: The deck really wants to hit it's land drops. This lets it do so. Also enables you to guarentee a land for spiral and a land drop next turn.

Bean stalk Giant: Even more ramp, plus can get an island if you need blue. Then serves as a big body afterwards. Thats Value!

Hydroid krasis: Payoff for all our ramp. If you do go Ramp Ramp Nissa Celebration this can be cast for X=30ish turn 5 then play a couple things so you don't discard to hand size.

Voracious hydra: Nom spitfires. Proliferate target. 100% of our interaction besides hitting with big dumb dorks.

Nissa: The namesake of the deck. Doubles our mana, makes 3/3's, carry's games by herself.

Tamiyo: Finds our Nissa's, finds our Planewide Celebration's, finds our krasis's, buy's back celebration.

Planeswide Celebration: The other fun part of the deck. This enables T4 nissa emblems, buy's back everything this deck cares about, gives you 16 more life vs mono red, and can pump your board every single turn when you have a tamiyo.


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Last Updated: 02 Oct 2019
Created: 26 Sep 2019
35 76 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (16 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (9)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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