Arena Standard - Mutant Vampires

26 33
30 3 3 24

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you mutate on top of a Vampire, it won't count as a Vampire for Sorin synergy. Getting the correct order between mutates, Sorin ability use, and Lazav shapeshift is key.

General idea is to use quasi-ramp with Polliwog and Sorin to start mutating vampires.  Vampire of the Dire Moon works great with upgraded stats; Bloodthirsty Aerialist scales with the various forms of life gain; Nightveil Ambusher is a great base creature for multiple mutates.  Etrata is a bad mutate target, but a good Sorin synergy and planeswalker puncher.

Time your Lazotep Plating to blunt Agent of Treachery or targetted removal.  If neither are a danger, you can use it to Amass an army with a 1/1 counter, for use as a mutate target.

One of the tricky gameplay decisions to learn is when to stack mutations on a single creature, and when to spread them out.  This is almost situationally dependant on what the opponent is doing, and what you need to do--get damage through, draw more cards, or sit still and burn enemy resources through stacked mutations.

Sideboard has situational tech depending on what you are facing. They all work with the deck, but are too situational for Bo1 ladder.  I haven't tried it in Bo3 yet.



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Last Updated: 16 Jul 2020
Created: 24 May 2020
67 100 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (16 distinct)

Creature (30)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (3)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (3)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


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