Arena Standard - Midrange Golgari Discard

42 22
28 13 0 24

Early play by set up as much or enough mana source possible from land and creature: Ilysian Caryatidimage + Llanowar Visionaryimage made sure you draw.

Answer dangerous enemy creature with Murderimage or Binding the Old Godsimage (but this primarily used to answer enemy enchantment or artifact and enemy planeswalker)

It doesnt matter if Tergrid, God of Frightimage is not on board yet, just discard the enemy anytime you could do that.

This deck is still being improved over and over. Any question and or suggestion is welcome.


  • 17 March 2021: Added 3 Binding the Old Godsimage to Sideboard. 
  • 22 March 2021: Added 3 Withercrownimage to Sideboard.
  • 24 March 2021: Change Heartless Act with Murder, as it is better

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Last Updated: 24 Mar 2021
Created: 16 Mar 2021
142 193 0

Mainboard - 65 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 6 cards (2 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
42 13 6 4 0
3 3 0 0 0