Arena Standard - Blood Baron | Rakdos Vampire Tribal 🍷

34 15
27 11 2 20

This deck was based on the deck Markov Vampires by LegenVD


Blood Baron

A Vampire tribal built around getting blood tokens and cashing them to trigger abilities, or just draw some cards when needed. Going full aggro, and just swinging away until blood covers the field. 


The Creatures:

Falkenrath Pit Fighterimage a solid attacker that’s a little more powerful than most at his cost, and his ability can really com in handy for some card drop when you really need it.


Ichor Drinkerimage is a little lifelink that can go a long way, as other card increase his damage, nets you more life in the end, on top of the when it dies, it can cheaply give you another body down the road from its graveyard ability.


[Voldaren Epicure]] and Bloodtithe Harvesterimage get things going with creating Blood Tokens as well as are just good value cards to drop in first and foremost. The Harvester does not really stick around long as it’s a prime target for removal as well as commonly sacrificed for its ability but that ability is often worth the loss of the creature.


Vampire Socialiteimage if played smart can really add a lot to you vampires, kind of like having another vampire lord if you order things right and attack before playing you hand.


Voldaren Bloodcaster // Bloodbat Summonerimage can surprise your opponent with their abilities, on top of being a solid 2 drops, it has flying and generates blood tokens often enough, but when she transforms she becomes a big threat in the right games.


Falkenrath Forebearimage gains you another blood token source as well as a glass cannon flyer, and in a pinch can be return to the battlefield for a surprise attack, it’s a real mvp at times.


Markov Baronimage is the namesake of the deck for a reason, this vampire lord really can put the pressure on making you brood much stronger, plus convoke and madness he can get out on the board in the most unexpected ways, on top of all of that he also has lifelink.



The Spells: 

Gift of Fangsimage is a bit under rated in my opinion, it’s an early removal spell that can be used at the right time to buff your Vampires, prime targets being Florian, Voldaren Scionimage or a Falkenrath Forebearimage, or if you manage to transform her, Voldaren Bloodcaster // Bloodbat Summonerimage is a monster with Fangs.


Go for the Throatimage are your main removal spells, spread out for the mana curve a bit. All being instant speed really helps play around counter spells.

Vampires' Vengeanceimage is the sweeper for this deck, and at instant speed can be a pain for many decks early on, as well as later on to kill off the weaklings if your opponent has a wide board and if gives you blood token as well.


The Other Stuff:

Sorin the Mirthlessimage provides powerful creatures with lifelink to bolster your defenses and can dig deep into your deck for the cards you need. His ultimate ability is the ultimate goal, as it can easily secure the win for you. With Sorin on your side, you'll be able to strike fear into the hearts of your opponents and reign as the true master of darkness.


The Gameplan:

Coming Soon.


 Feel free to comment if you would like to see more my decks and please link here and give me a shout out if you used this deck and had fun.


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Last Updated: 19 Jul 2023
Created: 17 Jul 2023
355 111 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (27)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (20)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 7 cards (4 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
15 19 24 2 0
5 0 2 0 0