Arena Standard - Krenko's Finale of Devistation

24 33
20 12 4 24
Midrange Combo

Finale of Devistation make cardcombo's within decks alot more reliable, you basically fetch what you need asap to give you impact. The card is like Magic Mike from TellSell, if you have it in your hand then it is simply amazing!

Earlygame Krenko's Snowball if not in starting hand


Turn 1 : Llanowar elf

Turn 2 : Uncubation druid or Paradise Druid (wildcard-cheapo)

Turn 3 : Finale of devistation aka Magic Mike and fetch Krenko

Turn 4 : Collusus on Krenko and woopsie daisy 6 untapped baby krenko's out of the blue (or red)!


Midgame combo's


  • You need lifegain? Then let Magic Mike fetch Pellaka Wurm for you and let Raze-Boar summon Wurm for +7 lifegain;
  • You want to mount a final assault with some Krenko-tokens? Do not worry, Magic Mike has Forerunner behind the counter and lets your Raze-Boar summon Forerunner. This way your all your creatures get vigilance, trample and +2/+2;
  • You want to use the >10+2 ability of Finale of Devistation for a homerun in the last inning? Go fetch a Ghalta by tapping every manasource you have;

TLDR: if you want a combocard, Magic Mike gets shit done so it can attack this turn!


Additional lategame wincondition


1 copy is enough and luckily uncounterable so use it only when you have no other option.


Planeswalkers & Enchantments


  • 2 copies of Rhytm of the Wild is a no-brainer from an unexperienced player's view because our creatures can not get countered with this card on the board and summoned creatures get a counter or haste.
  • 2 copies of Tibalt, Rakisch Instigator because this card is imho undervalued. For 3 mana I get 2x footlightfiends that can defend it's daddyplaneswalker and an enchantmenteffect that fracks over white and/or black flavoured decks from turn 3 and onwards.
  • 2 copies of Vivian, Champions of the wild for draw, vigilance and reach. A jack of all trades but a master in none.




I like 2 manasink-cards in my decks and eventhough Captivating Crew is arbitrary to say the least, it lets me use my opponent creatures with sometimes gamechanging effects as a result. Around the time it wants to start soaking up mana, Raze-Boar will be summoning hardhitters free of charge anyway. So I want to give it a shot in two 4drop slots and see how it goes, the 4 drop spot functions as a filler in this deck. I also added two 3drop creatures to remove enchantments or artifacts. Collision/Collosus can remove creatures just like Domri's Ambush which also gives a counter and can nuke planeswalkers without attacking them.




I do not play b03 alot yet but my guts say this sideboard could be doable until someone explaines to me otherwise:

  • I hope Arboreal Grazer as a replacement for Llanowar Elves can stall the game a little bit against aggrodecks. This in a way so that this deck still has a chance of competing for the win. It is a trade off as a casted Arboreal Grazer can be less efficient manawise after the first few turns;
  • Dreadhorde Arcanist with a +1/+1 counter from Domri's Ambush or Rhythm of the Wild can cast all our instants and sorceries from graveyard as they are all 2drops except Finale of Devastation;
  • One extra copy of Domri's Ambush can help place counters on Dreadhorde Arcanist and grants removal;
  • Gaea's blessing offers more recyclability (of also Finale of Devistation) if we need it or are out of expensive wildcards, but it could also be usefull against milling decks;
  • Vivian's Arcbow. According to MegaMogwai's video Vivian's Arcbow is THE counter against Esper Control because you can sneak in units at the very end of opponents turn.
  • Nahiri, Storm of Stone against deathtouch-decks. This will keep our creatures alive and will crack their defense, as most of our hardhitters have trample and will hopefully hit harder then a couple of Zombies, Saprolings or Ooze.


This deck is still a work in progress but I enjoy tinkering around with it as a less experienced player & comboseeker extra ordinaire.


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Last Updated: 02 May 2019
Created: 01 May 2019
572 195 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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