Arena Standard - Kaheera Bant Mutate

6 6 38
30 2 4 24

This is the "Mutate Pile" that took me to Mythic for the first time.

Lots of mutate decks seem to be running Umori, but I realized that most of my favorite mutators are beasts and cats, so I put together this list with Kaheera.  It started as a Selesnya deck.  But I added Trumpeting Gnarrimage for the raw beast production and Parcel Beast for the cheap mutate and card advantage.  

I love that Auspicious Starriximage can find my planeswalkers and even The Great Hengeimage.  Also, worth noting that both the Starrix and Vivien, Monsters' Advocateimage's -2 trigger the Henge, which quickly snowballs.  Henge isn't here as a mana accelerant.  It's mostly here for some backbreaking card advantage or as a way to get back into the game after an opponent has swept the board.

I learned to mulligan aggressively.  You really want three lands and a Arboreal Grazerimage, but an Essence Symbioteimage on turn 2 can also get the job done.  I'd been sleeping on Symbiote, but the life gain and extra +1/+1 counters really add up over time.  But, sometimes you can't find either and just have to cast Kaheera on Turn 3 and hope to untap and start mutating on turn 4.  

I can remember using the wish board exactly twice.  Once to grab Agent of Treacheryimage and the other to get Hydroid Krasisimage.  But, it's nice that it's there if you get stalled out with enough coungers on Vivien, Arkbow Rangerimage.


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Last Updated: 25 May 2020
Created: 25 May 2020
92 125 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (30)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (2)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (15 distinct)


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