Arena Standard - Greedy AF

18 21 26
5 30 0 25
Combo Jank

Super greedy deck but another fun one. The synergy between Ovika and Arcane Bombardment is insane!



The deck can get run down by agro if you don't have Lightning Heliximage and Faithful Mendingimage in hand, then you have to hope to draw Ill-Timed Explosionimage. That will usually pull you through. Exile decks will definitely end you. Control decks you can sometimes work around, unless they're holding Farewellimage. The goal is either get Ovika, Enigma Goliathimage down ASAP or luck out on Arcane Bombardmentimage grabbing Explosive Singularityimage out of your graveyard.


I'll try and tune it but it's tricky to work with bombardement.


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Pilot Guide


Heal to survive the early game.

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Heal combo that can generate between 5 - 100+ health in one shot using the Heartflame Knight.

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Prepare for the late game by discarding cards you'll need later into your graveyard. Split up the cards you need from the reanimator cards so the opponent throws aways the right cards into the graveyard when you use Intrude on the Mind. You get a thopter as a reward. Yay!



Close the late game out. Ovika 💩 out tokens like crazy. They also all get haste! Win-win.

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  • Watching Ovika go off is worth the look on your opponent's face (if you could see it)
  • Getting 100+ health in a single turn is super rewarding
  • Making it rain treasure when you only hit the two mana spell with Motherlode (Discover 10).


  • It's slow AF, buyer beware
  • Exile will ruin your day
  • Piloting a Jeskai deck can ruin your day without triomes and/or on a bad draw

Quick Tip

  • Use Restless Spire to take a land off the top of your deck, this helps with One with the Multiverse top decking.
  • If you use a reanimator card on Arcane Bombardmentimage you'll have to wait until the opponent's turn to trigger it with a spell.
  • You can tap a Powerstone token to channel Eiganjo, Otawara, and Sokenzan. Wierd (Ok, rule CR 602. Activating Activated Abilities says you can. So they're not spells. Oops. 🤡).


This deck is recommended for people who are either bored and want something new, have the wildcards to burn, or are masochists. Wins are rewarding, losses are obvious. The deck is not extremely play tested. You've been warned. Just have fun!


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Last Updated: 27 Mar 2024
Created: 15 Feb 2024
1078 79 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (26 distinct)

Creature (5)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Land (25)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


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