Arena Standard - Golgari From Guide

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23 9 4 24

This is the deck I used to get my final push from Diamond 1 to Mythic. I will give some insight as to how I play it the way it works in various matchups and some explanations of the cards we have in it. First I'll go over the different stages of the game and give a general overview of what we're trying to accomplish then I'll go into some more match specific strategy. Magic is a huge game so I can't go over every deck you're going to encounter so if you have any questions feel free to ask questions or start discussions and I'll be more than happy to engage. 


Our ideal early game is going to look something like Turn 1: Llanowar Elves Turn 2: Wildgrowth Walker Turn 3: start pump walker with our explore creatures. There are some threats we're going to be using our Cast Downs on that I'll discuss in more detail later on but the general plan vs aggro is to trade effectively and keep their board clear while gaining life with Walker while building him up. Against control we'll be turning our creatures sideways and getting some damage in. 


This is my favorite part of the game. Here we're looking to answer any kind of creature threats with Chupacabras and Vraska's Contempts while contnuing to mantain our own board. We have a Path of Discovery that synergizes well with obviously Wildgrowth Walker, but also if we have a Karn down we're making Karnstructs that can come down as 2/2. We aso have a Karn and Vraska, Golgari Queen working together. If we need more cards or life we can sacrifice our Karnstructs to Vraska and find some answers. Against aggro we're feeling pretty confident at this stage in the game and the plan is to get even more ahead by developing our board some more. Control decks are going to give us a bit more trouble but we'll be saving our Vraska's Contempts for Teferri's and Chupacabra will be coming in handy against Niv-Mizzet. 


This is where the big guns come out. We'll be playing our Carnage Tyrant, Doom Whisperer and Vraska, Relic Seekers. These cards are going to seal the deal for us and life is looking really good right now. Against the aggro decks we're really far ahead at this stage in the game so we aren't worried to much. We'll have plenty of removal to deal with creatures as they come onto the battlefield. Control decks are going to give us a bit more difficuly but Carnage Tyrant will come in handy. If Carny T does get sent to the graveyard we'll bring him back swiftly with Golgari Findbroker or The Eldest Reborn. 


As I said earlier I can't cover every deck you're going to play but I will cover some of the big ones that we'll encounter. 

Red Deck Wins

This matchup isn't really too bad for us. Early game our top performers will be Seeker's Squire, Jadelight Ranger and Wildgrowth Walker. These cards can all get to 3 toughness and in the case of Wildgrowth Walker even more. This is great because our opponent can't shock our creatures. Now they have to use Lightning Strikes and Lava Coils to get rid of our threats. The added toughness also helps us to make a lot of early creatures red has afraid to attack us. Even our Merfolk Branchwalker isn't terrible because worste case scenario it comes in and trades with a creature. Even if Branchwalker just comes in buffs our Wildgrowth Walker and gives us the life before getting traded it did its part. The card we're looking to get rid of with our early Cast Downs is Runaway Steam-Kin. If that comes down on the field you can skip a creature drop and get rid of it. 

Midgame we're feeling pretty confident against red. Cards like Goblin Chainwhirler aren't going to scare us because we'll still have some Cast Downs, and even more removal like Chupacabra and Vraska's Contempt. At this stage of the game we're feeling really good that we can take the lead and run with it.

Once we reach the lategame stage Mono Red has usually lost already but if they stick around we're going to send out our big guys and close it out. 

Mono-Blue: Mono blue plays out a lot like mono red. We're going to be trading our early explore creatures and buffing our Walker. The biggest threat we'll see put down is Tempest Djinn but with some Cast Downs and Chupacabra's that threat is taken care of and we're more than happy to see the game move on. Midgame we're developing our board more and removing the blue threats and late game we'll have our big boys come and rip the blue player to shreds 

White Weenie: I did this deck next because its another control deck and plays out like the others. The card we're most afraid of early game against this deck is Adjani's Pridemate. If we see himi come down thats an instant Cast Down. That kitty can get ferocious if its not tamed quickly. Midgame we'll see Resplendent Angel and its angel friends come down. These fliers can have their wings clipped by our Chupacabra's and Vraska's Contempts. Late game we're usually ahead, White Weenies doees best early to mid game so we're just playing our big guns and going for the victory. White will have two cards we need to be careful against however, Settle The Wreckage and Cleansing Nova. If we have a sense these are going to come in play we have to play smart. If Cleansing Nova is our big concern then we keep our Golgari Findbrokers and Eldest Reborns in hand to get back any key card we need. We also have Memorial to Folly to bring creatures back from the graveyard. When we're attacking if we have a feeling a Settle The Wreckage is in play we can hold a few attackers back and send small packs in to have no fears against a board whipe. Remember you win if whether your opponent has 0 life or -23 life, so sometimes you just need to send in what you need not the whole army. 

At this point I'm going to take a moment to discuss Carnage Tyrant and hexproof. The key thing to remember about hexproof is that it only applies to ablilities and spells our opponent controls. This is very important to note. We have one Carnage Tyrant if he gets exiled with Settle The Wreckage we're going to be really sad. The way we get around this is simple. When we send Carny T to attack if he's going to get Settled then we simply use Cast Down or Price of Fame on him and that will send him to our graveyard. If he's in the graveyard we can easily get him back with one of our reanimation spells. 

Izzet Drakes:

This is where we see some variaiton to our play style. Early on our opponent is going to be be slinging spells at our creatures to remove them. This is unavoidable. We can send out our Walkers, Squires and Rangers because the 3 toughness they can achieve will get them around Shock. If we see a Goblin Electromancer come down we use our Cast Down on it. If we have a creature on the board then the Goblin most likely won't attack us because our opponent wants to use the cast reduction it gives. In the midgame we'll start seeing drakes come down but thats fine we'll have some Chupacabras and Price of Fame to deal with them. The biggest threat we may see is Niv-Mizzet. If he comes down we need to throw a Vraska's Contempt at it right away or use our Eldest Reborn. Throughout these stages it is going to be a battle because our opponent is going to be using those counter spells to stop our plans but thats why we pack a Carnage Tyrant. If we can play the Tyrant we're usually going to walk away the game with a victory there isn't much removal Izzet will have against him. 

Dimir Control

Early on the biggest threat we will see is Thought Errasure. Thats a card we have no control over so we just make the best of it. Kitesail Freebooter and Siren Stormtamer are both 1/1's so we aren't too scared of them just annoyed so we can out pace them. What we're looking to get rid of more than anything is Thief of Sanity thats one of those instant Cast Down cards. Once we made it out of that stage of the game we move on to the midgame where we will see our biggeset threat Nightveil Predator. What we want to do against this beast is to either send our Walkers and Jadelight Rangers to their death or to remove any supporting creatures and then playing and Eldest Reborn forcing the opponent to sacrifice Nightveil Predator. After we've made it out of the scary Predator phase we're actually feeling pretty confident. Doom Whisperer isn't too bad as we have plenty of removal or one of our own to trade if needed and Dream Eater is just an annoying bully we can get rid of easily. This is another matchup that Carny T is going to take the game away for us and we love him for that. 

Jeskai Control:

This is probably our toughest matchup. Early game will play out the same as Izzet Drakes. Lots of removal and countering of our creatures. This is annoying but we'll be able to push through to the midgame. After we've arrived to the midgame we're fairly comfortable. Karn will make us creatures if we're running low on them. If we see Teferris come down we'll have Vraska's Contempt and Eldest Reborn to deal with him. Vraska, Golgari Queen will give us card draw if we really need answers. This isn't a terrible phase for us just a pesky one. Late Game is were we worry about Niv-Mizzet but we'll have Chupacabras and Price of Fame but we want to save the Vraska's Contempt if we can. Vraska Relic Seeker is anoter great way to deal with Niv-Mizzet and she gives us creatures every turn. This is going to be a batte but once you get the hang of it you can feel fairly comfortable. 

Turbo Fog

This matchup is winnable but just highly annoying. Your best bet is to wait for your opponent to play a Nexus of Fate. Once Nexus is played we use our secret weapon, duct tape. Apply the tape to the spacebar so it will continue to pass resolve for us. Then step away and have some fun. Go to a movie, ask your crush out on a date, maybe get a puppy, write a guide on MTGArena.Pro just go have fun. By the time you return to the game your opponent is snickering thinking he drove you insane but you had a productive year. At this point you can either play the game out or just concede. It doesn't matter because you've arrived at the Ultra Late game where rotation has happened and that turbo fog player wasted three quarters of a year playing against a strip of tape while you got a puppy and a significant other. Who's the real winner here? 


Out of all the decks I've played from Bronze to Mythic this is by far my favorite. It's a pretty strong deck and its really fun. There's some cool plays you can pull off with it and it covers a lot of ground making it relevant vs many types of decks you'll face. If you have questions, comments or maybe want help constructing a more budget friendly version let me know and I'll do the best I can to help. I do realize their are some things I can do to improve this deck like add more Jadelight Rangers and another Carnage Tyrant but I'm a free to play player so I don't have all those resources honestly. 

The last thing I'm going to say is that I realize I wrote this a week before a new set comes out but I will be updating this list and this guide to reflect the metachanges and if the feedback is good I'll maybe write something about the spicy Esper Control deck I'm working on. This was a lot of fun to write and I think writing it has helped me see some things I haven't noticed before and if just one person in the community says I helped them then I'll feel like I've done my part. GLHF everyone and see you all in Mythic.


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Last Updated: 17 Feb 2019
Created: 13 Jan 2019
147 87 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (24 distinct)

Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

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