Arena Standard - Gloop Troop

16 24 18
30 6 0 24
Report to the Gloop Troop and we'll always sacrifice our friends... It's a messed up group what can I say.

The Overview

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The decks goal is to get Biogenic Oozeimage and Arcane Adaptationimage out at the same time with a bunch of tokens that we produce along the way with cards like Izoni, Thousand-Eyedimage. By naming ooze with Arcane Adaptationimage we let Biogenic Oozeimage put +1/+1 counters on all of our creatures, then we attack... and pray the opponent doesn't have a board clear. This is not the most sturdy strategy and is extremly gimicy so expect to lose quite a bit, but I think its fun!

The Break Down

Part 1: Prime Speaker Vannifar


Prime Speaker is calling everyone to come on and join the fun. She lets us get the creature pieces to our very flimsy combo by sacrificing incrementally higher costing creatures. Vannifar is also perfect for putting creatures in the graveyard for Izoni, Thousand-Eyedimage so she produces lots insect tokens (soon to be ooze insects, I cannot think of anything worse than that). In addition Vannifar is an ooze pre-Arcane Adaptation so she can work with biogenic ooze all on her own.

Part 2: The Lambs to the Slaughter

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So vannifar needs creatures to sacrifice to bring out our big hitters, so lets just make some tokens as we work toward Biogenic Oozeimage. Orzhov Enforcerimage, Herald of the Dreadhordeimage, and Deathbloom Thallidimage all make a token when they die which will be very useful when we eventually get our two primary pieces out and the best part is that they are each 1 CMC higher than the last. It's like a really twisted game of hopscotch. Stitcher's Supplierimage does not make a token but does put cards in the graveyard for Izoni. and Mesmerizing Benthidimage not only makes tokens but can be also be used by Vannifar to bring out either Izoni or Muldrotha, the Gravetideimage.

Part 3: Tips and Tricks

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Muldrotha is the safety net and acclerator for the deck, it allows you to replay the cards that you need from the graveyard if they get destroyed like Biogenic Oozeimage or Arcane Adaptationimage. While also letting you bring back cards to be sacrificed to Prime Speaker Vannifarimage to pull more cards out of your deck.

If you manage to get a second Arcane Adaptationimage in your hand and mana to spare (then you're better with this deck than me) and you should name illusion as the next creature type to make Mesmerizing Benthidimage always have hexproof.

Feed Back

I am very bad at picking cards for a sideboard (and a mainboard if were being fair) and would appreciate any suggestions in that department, and if you think a card would go well in this deck leave a comment.

I hope you're always number one with your horde of oozes!









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Last Updated: 02 Jun 2019
Created: 02 Jun 2019
413 128 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (30)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Land (24)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
20 10 18 12 0
0 0 0 0 0