Arena Standard - Cat Paradise

15 27
33 2 0 25

My idea with this deck was to build a mutate deck that wasn't as weak to single target removal.  So I started with Cubwardenimage + Paradise Druidimage, witht the thought of going wide.  I then tuned it down to selesnya colors instead of the usual BUG colors with the polywog, dire bat, etc.  I thought "why not add all the cat mutators' and so I included Huntmaster Ligerimage as well.  Other than those white mutation creatures, its what you'd expect for a mutate deck.  I had built it creatures-only with Umori, the Collectorimage but ended up cutting him because I was toying with adding some removal.


It is weak to wrath effects but the plan is to leave back the druid or only attack when it has vigilance and then always have sacrifice fodder via early creature spells and cat tokens from Cubwardenimage.  Then I just put all my mutations on the same paradise druid end up overwhelming op with Huntmaster Ligerimage triggers.  Sometimes for 4-6 4/4+ cat tokens with lifelink.  If I don't win on that cat attack, I still have more cats back, the hexproof mutation and 40 life.


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Last Updated: 22 May 2020
Created: 22 May 2020
36 53 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (33)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (2)
Land (25)

Sideboard - 15 cards (14 distinct)


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2 5 4 4 0