Arena Standard - Case of the Infinite Transmutation Fonts

14 11
15 19 2 24
Combo Jank

Every artifact makes more artifacts or enables you to, which makes even more artifacts. Get double the value from Ceremonial Knife by untapping your chosen creature with Forensic Researcher(FR). FR also untaps Transmutation Font(TF) allowing you to make more tokens, or search for critical combo pieces. As long as you have any 3 of a Blood, Clue, Food, Powerstone or Mite token, you can search! Need to cast a creature for 1 mana AND draw a card? Simply sac a Blood token, discard a creature, and then Portal to Phyrexia(PtP) brings it back on your next upkeep! And if you bring back Tameshi, you can also bring back any artifact or enchantment! Oh, as part of the cost, you have to bounce that Desert back to your hand? Take 1 damage, opponent!


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Last Updated: 01 Jun 2024
Created: 01 Jun 2024
49 14 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (15)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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