Arena Standard - Cabaretti Party! Rank 15-7

21 27 13
21 12 1 25

This deck just keeps going. It sustains through crazy amounts of removal as the deck just wants to keep the party going. Against aggro, the best bet is to get early life gain and out value opponents asap. I'll post more as I run into various matchups. 

Against Boros convoke, I felt like I was gonna struggle. Idk if luck or if deck has something special, but I got two gala greeters and lightning helix early. I kept sustain through Rocco and pia. Deck was insanely over the top towards Boros and won while pushing new threats in hand/exile. 

Against Dimir Artifacts, the game lasted long just like other midrange decks, but once again this deck excels at the long game. 

I misplayed against mono red once. Probably would've won. My other loss was because of mana issues in the land base. I'll fix as I get more wildcards. My third loss was to a perfect hand insidious roots deck. My fourth loss was to a control deck that outdid my value engines. I drew into lands at the end and couldn't come back from constant field wipes without drawing my value pieces. 

Against aggro, deck was doing fantastic. Against control, deck does decently but is prone to vicious consistent field wipes. Thankfully this deck tends to come back online quickly. 


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Last Updated: 02 Apr 2024
Created: 11 Mar 2024
42 18 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (25 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (25)
Other (1)
Planeswalker (1)

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