Arena Standard - BW Anti-Meta Bo3

27 31
28 6 2 24
Midrange Combo

Just lost to Lurrus? Feeling down about Gyruda? Hate cat combos? Then I have the perfect deck for you. An anti-meta(TM) list that works!



# Deck

4 Hushbringerimage - This basically disables any cool combo your opponent got going and also enables us to play Clockbridge Troll without downsides. Furthermore this little faeria got lifelink! Attention: This also allows opponents to play early Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrathimage! We got enough tools to chump Uro or just kill him, but still this is something to keep in mind.

2 Kunoros, Hound of Athreosimage - Cats stay dead. Extremely good value and stats. This shuts down part of our deck, but usually this doggy will be removed on sight, because it is so strong. Really, really great with Heliod on the field. Attention: Planeswalkers can still be brought back with Elspeth Conquers Deathimage.

3 Heliod, Sun-Crownedimage - Did you notice the lifelink almost every single one of our creatures has? It is a bit challenging to get the devotion, but just the threat of the +1/+1 counters are enough. If the opponent has tools to deal with out lifelink creatures I usually board 1-2 Heliod out.

2 Clackbridge Trollimage - Surprise MF! Hushbringerimage disables the goats, so we get a 5 mana 8 power haste trample attacker. And even if the enemy has creatures to sacrifice, we get 3 life and draw a card!

2 Lurrus of the Dream Den - Everyone's second most hated cat. It is a very potent 3 power lifelinker that can get us cards from the graveyard. We can get Lurrus back, so don't feel bad to throw him (her?) into danger.

4 Alseid of Life's Bountyimage - The perfect combo piece with Lurrus. We can sacrifice this every turn and play it again. It is really annoying for the opponent.

2 Dawn of Hopeimage - Gain life, draw cards! Also produce chump blocker or steal the game against control. This doesn't get hit by Elspeth Conquers Deathimage and can be brought back with Lurrus

3 Knight of the Ebon Legionimage - A potent attack that can be brought back easily and becomes very dangerous if pumped.

2 Agonizing Remorseimage - Slow down the opponent. Probably should get more of these in the main deck.

4 Murderous Riderimage - Kill stuff, get a lifelink attacker.

2 Rankle, Master of Pranksimage - Works surprisingly well. Another avenue of attack to kill planeswalkers. Also allows us to make the opponent sacrifce their Dream Trawlerimage. We got enough chump to not feel the sacrifice. The discard is also annoying.

2 Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlordimage - The combo master with Heliod. Everyone gets lifelink! Also bring back more creatures for more recursive action!

2 Elspeth Conquers Deathimage - We need something to deal with bigger stuff like Shark Typhoonimage or Wilderness Reclamationimage. Did I mention that this can also bring back stuff?

2 Necropantherimage - Another way to bring back stuff. It is also great to mutate on a Hushbringerimage.

2 Castle Locthwainimage - Some more card draw


# Sideboard

1 Kaya's Wrathimage - Sometimes you just need the space.

1 Kaya, Orzhov Usurperimage - Exile stuff from graveyards, exile cats and ovens.

2 Heliod's Interventionimage - Deal with Reaclamation

2 Agonizing Remorseimage - Against control

2 Desparkimage - Against Shark Typhoonimage or Wilderness Reclamationimage. Same as Elspeth Conquers Deathimage.

2 Apostle of Purifying Lightimage - More graveyard hate.

1 Dawn of Hopeimage - Our best card against control. They simple run nothing to remove it.

2 Sorcerous Spyglassimage - My favourite card. Period. Can be brought back with Lurrus.

1 Grafdigger's Cageimage - Experimental. If you really think that you will lose to cat combos.

1 Ajani, Strength of the Prideimage - Experimental. Against creature decks when you need to bring more board presence.


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That is true, but it still is a 3/2 lifelink we can use.
You can't use Lurrus with Grafdigger/Kunoros in play...
Last Updated: 24 Apr 2020
Created: 24 Apr 2020
1050 282 2

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (10 distinct)


Maybeboard - 2 cards (2 distinct)


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