Arena Standard - Boros Counters V1.2 [WAR]

24 24
22 18 0 20
Aggro Combo

I am a starting player and I therefore probably make alot of mistakes. If you see some, please comment! Goal of this deck is quite simple:

  • Give Arcanist a counter asap. This way you can also cast 2drop instants and sorceries from the graveyard. Now both counterplacementspells (Gird for Battle and Battle Promotion) go off twice for a total of 16 counterplacements resulting 24 counters and 16 lifegain in total. Trentin Legionaire, Kingping, Burning Prophet and/or Spellgorger Weird will all benefit from that double cast giving you powerfull early game monsters that are harder to remove. You can fiddle around which of the 3 creatures above fits best, if you play b03 I would put Spellgorger Weird in the sideboard. For now this is the cardlist I run;


  • If they remove your arcanist simply play aggro;
  • The other instants/sorceries and 2 copies of Burning Prophet have scry;
  • Curve is descent according to MTGoncurve, as Gird for Battle and Battle Promotion are not cast on curve most of the time;
  • I am as loopy as a cross­eyed cowboy!

Revision 1 : Added Take Vengeance because the deck needed some removal.

Revision 2 : Reduced copies of Feather the redeemed as most of the time he comes on the board after turn 5 somewhere, which is fairly late and his impact imho marginal. Burning Prophet replaced Spellgorger Weird for now because I believe scry is more impactfull then even more power (until proven otherwise).



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Last Updated: 30 Apr 2019
Created: 29 Apr 2019
686 176 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (20)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
18 14 13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0