Arena Standard - Bloody Nissa

26 28
9 21 5 25

Win condition is to read all the text on Nissa, and extract value out of every line.  Then combo it with Vorinclex.

Early and mid game control, recursion out of your graveyard, and strong land combos.

Gameplay notes:

  • Nissa can untap a land with Haven attached to get 2 more mana.  Attach Havens to Swamps if you can, to get the most flexibility out of the mana.
  • Nissa animated lands have menace, but not vigilance.  Make sure you don't attack with that last mana you were counting on in the post-combat phase.
  • REMEMBER: you can untap a land without turning it into a creature, to keep it safe.  Don't animate it if you're planning to cast Blood on the Snow or you're facing instant removal.
  • It's often worthwhile to drop Nissa, then a land, then immediately use her -5 to get a haste creature out of the graveyard with extra +1 counters.
  • Blood On The Snow can bring back both of your planeswalkers.  However, it requires snow mana to get the cost; mana from Haven, Llanowar Visionary, and the castle lands won't count towards the total.
  • The deck is uniquely weak to Indestructible creatures, or effects that provide it for a turn. Playing around those will be your biggest challenge.

The Questing Beast/Rankle mix can be tweaked, but generally you want a 3-4 drop in there with an immediate effect or threat.


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Last Updated: 12 Apr 2021
Created: 12 Apr 2021
58 90 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (9)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (5)

Maybeboard - 8 cards (4 distinct)


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