Arena Standard - Azorius (No Counter Spells)

42 13
12 22 2 24

You start off locking the enemy down using Law Mage's Bindings and Dreadful Apathy and once you run out them hopefully either your opponent stalls out and can't keep up the pace giving you time to start making tokens with Omen of the Sun and Dawn of Hope then utilized further with Gideon or if they stall out run them as long as you can without dying then hit them with the Time Wipe. From there on if it is still close do what I mentioned earlier (get out tokens with Omen and Dawn of Hope to protect) then slowly build up using Guardmage and Dovins to give some life and card draw from there the goal is to either have enough out to protect either Elspeth for 3 turns to ult and end the game quickly or if it comes up use Thassa with Reverent Hoplite to start making tons of tokens. Nyx Lotus in here just in case everything fails and you only have your enchantments left for devotion and you need to start pumping out soldier tokens with Dawn of Hope (though it can be useful in other situatiuons as well obviously)


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Last Updated: 21 Jan 2020
Created: 21 Jan 2020
25 53 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (24 distinct)

Creature (12)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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