Arena Standard - AirFacts Matter Too!

19 24
21 15 0 24

AirFacts Matter Too!

This is a Blue White Flying Artifacts deck! It is focused around the Cephalopod Sentry.


The idea is to have flying artifacts that grow as you get more and more artifacts. The artifacts you do get should get buff. That is the plan.  

The Airforce: 

  • Incisor Gliderimage <-- just a cheap flying creature that can take advatage of corruption if you manage to corrupt the oppenent. 
  • Malcator's Watcherimage <-- vigilant flyer that will draw you cards if it dies. Nice onced buffed. 
  • Steel Seraphimage <-- great artifact flyer. 
  • Basilica Shepherdimage <-- create 2 artifact mites which can buff other creatures
  • Cephalopod Sentryimage <-- power is a big as you have artifacts. 
  • Mindlink Mechimage <-- is a vehicle but copies whatever crews it and it becomes a flying 4/3 version of that creature. 

The Buffers: (Call them Arnold!)

The Support:

The Artifact Support:

  • Infested Fleshcutterimage <-- can help push damage and get you and artifact mite to bolster the artifact matter units. 
  • Brass Knucklesimage <-- comes in as two artifacts for the artifacts matter and equips for 1, can give double strike. 
  • Tamiyo's Immobilizerimage <-- This is an Icy Manipulator to help with those pesky big openents or remove the blocker for the airforce.

The Spells:

  •  Charge of the Mitesimage <-- if you have creatures it is removal, otherwise it can be a combat trick as you play it for 2 mites to boost the Justicar's or Sentry
  • Experimental Auguryimage <-- fix hand and help get any posion you have gotten on the opponent to 3, or oil up your Immobolizers. 
  • Mesmerizing Doseimage <--Tie down those curropter or posioners, oil up your Immobolizers, and help get corruption on the oppentent. 
  • Prologue to Phyresisimage <-- Draw and maybe get that corruption on the oppenent. 

Toxic is a byproduct of the mites but there is a chance in some games it can become relevant with the gliders, or if you go wide with mites. That is why I chose to use the Prologue to Phyresisimage, it is a mild synergy. 

There is a fun card I had in here for a bit and it may still belong but I am not sure. You all may want to try it out is the:


I do think that there is definite room for improvement in this deck, but is a fun deck to romp around with. If you like it or download it, leave a comment an let me know how you improved it. I am always currious what others do with my creations, especially if you make it better!






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Last Updated: 03 Mar 2023
Created: 03 Mar 2023
394 98 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (25 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (24)

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