Arena Standard - 80% WR Diamond Abzan Superfriends

21 27 9
1 19 12 28
Midrange Combo

Behold! The successor to my Abzan Superfriends deck. This version cuts plain removal and the creatures for Kamigawa channel lands that serve as very flexible removal or lands for consistency. I have completely redone the land color distribution for even more consistency.

This deck looks to stop the opponent from running you over with their early game plan and sets up a board state that generates repeated value through planeswalkers, artifacts, and enchantments. This deck leverages the powerful Phyrexian Arena to pull ahead of other decks. Don't cut them! I've tried it. If you build a deck correctly around this card, its performance only scales with how many you cram into it.

This deck allows you to pivot your strategy in several different ways. From using Phyrexian Arena to out grind midrange and control, to gain life by pitching to March against aggro. Using lifegain to pay for cards and other effects, or to provide extra padding against those same aggro strategies. At least half of the cards in this deck provide choices to prevent you from getting stuck with linear threats and answers.

In the late game, you will either be beating your opponent down through their empty board with two or more big creatures, or suddenly and abruptly poisoning them with Vraska or Ajani. 


Some general tips:


- Almost every planeswalker can replace itself. Strongly consider using Wrenn's minus two ability if you have to play her and you strongly suspect a Sheoldred's Edict in response.

- Don't forget about Staff of Compleation's untap ability. It can swing games and it's required for turbo-ult strategies. Similarly, don't forget you can use the first ability to sacrifice Phyrexian Arenas. With Wrenn's emblem, you can also cast a planeswalker from your graveyard, use an ability, then sac it with the Staff to recast and spam abilities.

- There are many many ways to play around with Wrenn's abilities. From combat tricks with your lands and TWE, to sending animated Jungle Hollows to their death to be brought back again and again with her emblem.

- Always tap for mana before ulting Wrenn. It's easy to get complacent with her powerful color fixing effect. You may not be able to re-cast her or use all of your mana if you forget and get stuck with the normal colors your lands produce.

- Always play around Make Disappear


Individual Cards:

March of Wretched Sorrow
- Scales up consistently with Staff of Compleation and the myriad of card draw and filtering effects. Minimizing the chance for it to be a dead card on the draw.

- Can explode your life total and give you more life to cash in for card draws

Phyrexian Arena
- Endlessly draws cards to outgrind your opponents
- Works well in this deck because of the myriad of lifegain sources. March, Emperor, Sheoldred, Kaya
- Against aggro, where this may be (but is not always) a detriment to play, it can be pitched to March of Wretched Sorrow to boost the range and life gain.
- Provides more chances to draw into your sweepers

- EIGHT cards are available in this deck which allow you to get this off of the battlefield if it is burning away too much life.

*Always avoid slamming two down. There is a big difference between paying 1 life for half the cards you draw, and paying 1 life for two-thirds of the cards you draw.

Staff of Compleation
- Two turn poison clock with a 4BB Vraska
- Can ultimate any other full-cost planeswalker played after by the next turn.
- Puts counters on all of your planeswalkers and anything that has had +1/+1 counters put on them.
- Can draw a card in a pinch

Wrenn and Realmbreaker
- Creates an effective anti-aggro wall
- Emblem is easy to attain and swings the game every time

Tear Asunder
- Super flexible removal in this meta

Ajani, Sleeper Agent
- Ultimate combos with Wrenn's ultimate, allowing you to pile on poison counters
- Draws and filters cards without losing life
- Can provide a massive vigilant pump
- Baits planeswalker removal

Eiganjo (x2) & Boseiju (x2)
- Easy to get away with and bloats the deck with extra removal. All of the additional card draw minimizes the impact of drawing into two of these. This gives you a lot of control over the effective land count. You turn the deck into a 24 land deck if you cast all four.
- Think of Boseiju as two more copies of base Tear Asunder for a total of three cheap ways to remove either artifacts and enchantments.
- Think of double Boseiju as compensation for cutting 2 Go for the Throats for Sheoldred's Edict.

Sheoldred (Last but not least)
- Gains you extra life with Phyrexian Arena, Vraska, and Kaya
- Allows life-neutral draws with Staff of Compleation (pay 4, gain 2 from the draw, gain 2 from your next draw)
*Would love to have Shelly as a 2-of, but this deck doesn't run enough creatures to afford to throw them at the wall. Works fantastically as a 1-of, though. And can be brough back with Wrenn.


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Last Updated: 31 Jul 2023
Created: 31 Jul 2023
955 3790 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (26 distinct)

Creature (1)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (28)
Planeswalker (12)

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